Conference Sessions
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Tanvir Ahamed
Submission: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Crowdsourced Urban Delivery: System States Characterization, Heuristics-guided Action Choice, and Rule-Interposing Integration
Presenter: Tanvir Ahamed
Authors: Tanvir Ahamed (University of Illinois at Chicago); Bo Zou (University of Illinois at Chicago)*; Nahid Farazi (University of Illinois at Chicago); Theja Tulabandhula (UIC)
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Sudheer Ballare
Submission: A Many-to-Many Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Loads
Presenter: Sudheer Ballare
Authors: Jane Lin (University of Illinois at Chicago)*; Sudheer Ballare (University of Illinois at Chicago)
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Mausam Duggal
Submission: Unknown to Known: Predicting Truck GPS Commodity Using Machine Learning
Presenter: Mausam Duggal
Authors: Mausam Duggal (WSP); Bryce W Sharman (WSP)*; Rick Donnelly (WSP); Matthew Roorda (University of Toronto); Sundar Damodaran (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario); Shan Sureshan (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario)
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Guoqing Zhang
Submission: An Integrated Location-Inventory Model for the Healthcare Supply Network under Stochastic Demands
Presenter: Guoqing Zhang
Authors: Guoqing Zhang (University of Windsor)*; Mohammed Almanaseer (University of Windsor); Xiaoting Shang (University of Windsor)