Visual identity system guidelines

Logo structure

Three inter­locked let­ter T’s form a let­ter M to rep­re­sent the host Michigan/UMich. They also reveal the TTT in ISTTT25, with the num­ber 25 nes­tled in the neg­a­tive space between the T’s.

Pri­ma­ry logo

Neg­a­tive space

Primary palette



Primary logo — For printing and website display

Pri­ma­ry, logo with text

Pri­ma­ry, logo only

Sec­ondary, white

Secondary palette




Secondary logo — Dynamically colored logos for identification

To increase inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, the logo’s col­or scheme can be made dynam­ic. In the four-col­or ver­sion, the col­ors can be inter­changed to ensure no two “adja­cent” regions share the same col­or, in accor­dance with the four-col­or the­o­rem. Con­se­quent­ly, the logo can func­tion as a QR code gen­er­a­tor, assign­ing a unique pat­tern to each par­tic­i­pant based on their sub­mis­sion ID or badge num­ber. This essen­tial­ly trans­forms the logo into a com­put­er-pro­grammed design.

Sec­ondary, four-color

Exam­ple of col­or shuf­fling for encod­ing ID

Appli­ca­tions in badges