Books, Contributor of Chapter(s)

Lam, W.H.K. and Yin, Y. Chap­ter 7: genet­ic algo­rithm-based approach for trans­porta­tion opti­miza­tion prob­lem. In The Prac­ti­cal Hand­book of Genet­ic Algo­rithm Appli­ca­tions (Cham­bers, L. eds.), Chap­man & Hall/CRC, Flori­da, Decem­ber 2000.

Selected Refereed Publications


Ahma­di­an Shahreza, A., Bahra­mi, S., Nourine­jad, M., & Yin, Y. Invest­ment and Financ­ing of Road­way Dig­i­tal Infra­struc­ture for Auto­mat­ed Dri­ving. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal192, 103146, 2025.

Tan, Z., Sheng, D., & Yin, Y. . Shore-pow­er capac­i­ty allo­ca­tion in a con­tain­er ship­ping net­work under ships’ strate­gic behav­iors. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal192, 103151, 2025.

Wu, M., Yin, Y., & Lynch, J. P. Mul­ti­day User Equi­lib­ri­um with Strate­gic Com­muters. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, 2024.

Wu, M., Wang, B., Yin, Y., & Lynch, J. P. Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry traf­fic con­trol: Lever­ag­ing con­nect­ed and auto­mat­ed vehi­cles to enhance net­work effi­cien­cy. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies166, 104757, 2024.

Shi, S., Tuo, Y., Pan, M., Yin, Y., Chen, Y., Zhou, X., & Chen, K. Sig­nal­ing con­tracts design for Build–Operate–Transfer roads under asym­met­ric traf­fic demand infor­ma­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part E: Logis­tics and Trans­porta­tion Review183, 103465, 2024.

Dong, T., Sun, X., Luo, Q., Wang, J., & Yin, Y. The dual effects of team con­test design on on-demand ser­vice work sched­ules. Ser­vice Sci­ence16(1), 22–41, 2024.

Dong, T., Luo, Q., Xu, Z., Yin, Y., & Wang, J. Strate­gic dri­ver repo­si­tion­ing in ride-hail­ing net­works with dual sourc­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies158, 104450, 2024.

Bahra­mi, S., Nourine­jad, M., Yin, Y. and Wang, H. The Three-Sided Mar­ket of On-Demand Deliv­ery. Trans­porta­tion Research Part E, 179, 1 103313, 2023.

Liu, T., Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y., Qin, Z. and Li, Q. Thresh­old-Based Incen­tives for Ride-Sourc­ing Dri­vers: Impli­ca­tions on Sup­ply Man­age­ment and Wel­fare Effects. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 156, 104323, 2023.

Luo, Q., Nagara­jan, V., Sundt, A., Yin, Y., Vin­cent, J. and Sha­habi, M. Effi­cient Algo­rithms for Sto­chas­tic Ride­pool­ing Assign­ment with Mixed Fleets. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, 57(4), 839‑1114, 2023.

Nourine­jad, M, Bahra­mi, S. and Yin, Y. Opti­mal Invest­ment in Dri­ving Automa­tion: Indi­vid­ual vs. Coop­er­a­tive Sens­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal, 174, 102777, 2023.

Liu, T., Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y., Li, Q. and Qin, Z. Effects of thresh­old-based incen­tives on dri­vers’ labor sup­ply behav­ior, Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 152, 104140, 2023.

Fei, X., Wang, X., Yu, X., Feng, Y., Liu, H., Shen, S. and Yin, Y. Traf­fic sig­nal con­trol under sto­chas­tic traf­fic demand and vehi­cle turn­ing via decen­tral­ized decom­po­si­tion approach­es. Euro­pean Jour­nal of Oper­a­tional Research, 310(2), 712–736, 2023.

Liu, Z., Yin, Y., Bai, F. and Grimm, D. End-to-end learn­ing of user equi­lib­ri­um with implic­it neur­al net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 150, 104085, 2023.

Dong, T., Sun, X.„ Luo, Q., Wang, J., Yin, Y. The dual effects of team con­test design on on-demand ser­vice work sched­ules. Ser­vice Sci­ence,, 2023.

Vignon, D., Ke, J., and Yin, Y. Reg­u­lat­ing the ride-hail­ing mar­ket in the age of Uber­iza­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part E, 169, 102969, 2023.

Rad­vand, T., Bahra­mi, S., Yin, Y. and Laberteaux, K. Curb­ing cruis­ing-as-sub­sti­tu­tion-for-park­ing in auto­mat­ed mobil­i­ty. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 143, 103853, 2022.

Xu, M., Yan, X. and Yin, Y. Truck rout­ing and pla­toon­ing opti­miza­tion con­sid­er­ing dri­vers’ manda­to­ry breaks. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Technologies,143, 103809, 2022.

Vignon, D. and Yin, Y. and Bahra­mi, S. and Laberteaux, K. Eco­nom­ic analy­sis of vehi­cle infra­struc­ture coop­er­a­tion for dri­ving automa­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 142, 103757, 2022.

Liu, Z., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Xu, Z. Reg­u­la­to­ry poli­cies to elec­tri­fy rides­ourc­ing sys­tems. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 141, 103743, 2022.

Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. An empir­i­cal study of the labor sup­ply of ride-sourc­ing dri­vers. Trans­porta­tion Let­ters: the Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Research, 14(4),352–355, 2022.
Wang, X., Yin, Y., Feng, Y. and Liu, X. Learn­ing the max pres­sure con­trol for urban traf­fic net­works con­sid­er­ing the phase switch­ing loss. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 140, 103670, 2022.
Bahra­mi, S., Nourine­jad, M., Neshe­li, M., and Yin, Y. Opti­mal com­po­si­tion of solo and pool ser­vices for on-demand ride-hail­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part E, 161, 102680, 2022.
Spana, S. Du, L. and Yin, Y. Strate­gic infor­ma­tion per­tur­ba­tion for an online in-vehi­cle coor­di­nat­ed rout­ing mech­a­nism for con­nect­ed vehi­cles under mixed-strat­e­gy con­ges­tion game. IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Intel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 4541–4555, May 2022.

Ke, J., Li, X., Yang, H., and Yin, Y. Pare­to-effi­cient solu­tions and reg­u­la­tions of con­gest­ed ride-sourc­ing mar­kets with het­ero­ge­neous demand and sup­ply. Trans­porta­tion Research Part E, 102483, 2021.

Sun, X. and Yin, Y. An auc­tion mech­a­nism for pla­toon leader deter­mi­na­tion in sin­gle-brand coop­er­a­tive vehi­cle pla­toon­ing. Eco­nom­ics of Trans­porta­tion, 28, 100233, 2021.

Xu, Z., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. Equi­lib­ri­um analy­sis of urban traf­fic net­works with ride-sourc­ing ser­vices. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, Vol. 55, No. 6, 1260–1279, 2021.

Lin, X., Li, M., Shen, Z., Yin, Y. and He, F. Rhyth­mic con­trol of auto­mat­ed traffic—Part II: grid net­work rhythm and online rout­ing. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, Vol. 55, No. 5, 988‑1009, 2021.

Chen, X., Li, M, Lin, X., Yin, Y. and He, F. Rhyth­mic con­trol of auto­mat­ed traffic—Part I: con­cept and prop­er­ties at iso­lat­ed inter­sec­tions. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, Vol. 55, No. 5, 969–987, 2021.

Abdol­male­ki, M., Sha­habi, M., Yin, Y., Masoud, N. Itin­er­ary plan­ning for coop­er­a­tive truck pla­toon­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal, 153, 91–110, 2021.

Sun, X. and Yin, Y. Decen­tral­ized game-the­o­ret­i­cal approach­es for behav­ioral­ly-sta­ble and effi­cient vehi­cle pla­toon­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal, 153, 45–69, 2021.

Shi, S., Yin, Y., An, Q. and Chen K. Opti­mal build-oper­ate-trans­fer road con­tracts under infor­ma­tion asym­me­try and uncer­tain­ty. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal, 152, 65–86, 2021.

Sun, X. Wu, H., Abdol­male­ki, M., Yin, Y. and Zou, B. Inves­ti­gat­ing the poten­tial of track pla­toon­ing for ener­gy sav­ings: empir­i­cal study of the U.S. nation­al high­way freight net­work. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, Vol. 2675(12), 784–796. 2021.

Ura­ta, J., Xu, Z., Ke, J., Yin, Y., Wu, G. Yang, H., Ye, J. Learn­ing ride-sourc­ing dri­vers’ cus­tomer-search­ing behav­ior: A dynam­ic dis­crete choice approach. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Vol­ume 130, Sep­tem­ber 2021, 103293.

Xu, Z., Yin, Y., Chao, X., Zhu, H. and Ye, J. A gen­er­al­ized flu­id mod­el of ride-hail­ing sys­tems. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 150, 587–605, 2021.

Qin, G., Luo, Q., Yin, Y., Sun, J. and Ye, J. Opti­miz­ing match­ing time inter­vals for ride-hail­ing ser­vices using rein­force­ment learn­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Vol­ume 129, 103239, 2021.

Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ke, J. Reg­u­lat­ing rides­ourc­ing ser­vices with prod­uct dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion and con­ges­tion exter­nal­i­ty. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Vol­ume 127, 103088, 2021.

Dong, T., Xu, Z., Luo, Q., Yin, Y., Wang, J. and Ye, J. Opti­mal con­tract design for ride-sourc­ing ser­vices under dual sourc­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 146, 289–313, 2021.

Bahra­mi, S., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Laberteaux, K. Park­ing man­age­ment of auto­mat­ed vehi­cles in down­town areas. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Vol­ume 126, 103001, 2021.

Lin, X., Yin, Y. and He, F. Cred­it-based mobil­i­ty man­age­ment con­sid­er­ing trav­el­ers’ bud­get­ing behav­ior under uncer­tain­ty. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, 55(2):297–314, 2021.

Mo, B, Feng, K., Shen, Y., Tam, C, Li, D. Yin, Y. and Zhao, J.  Mod­el­ing epi­dem­ic spread­ing through pub­lic tran­sit using time-vary­ing encounter net­work. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Vol­ume 122, Jan­u­ary 2021, 102893.

Spana, S. Du, L. and Yin, Y. Strate­gic infor­ma­tion per­tur­ba­tion for an online in-vehi­cle coor­di­nat­ed rout­ing mech­a­nism for con­nect­ed vehi­cles under mixed-strat­e­gy con­ges­tion game. IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Intel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, 2020. (to appear)

Wang, X., Jin, W. and Yin, Y. A con­trol the­o­ret­ic approach to simul­ta­ne­ous­ly esti­mate aver­age val­ue of time and deter­mine dynam­ic price for high-occu­pan­cy toll lanes. IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Intel­li­gent Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems, 22(11), 7293–7305, 2021.

Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. An empir­i­cal study of the labor sup­ply of ride-sourc­ing dri­vers. Trans­porta­tion Let­ters: the Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Research, 2020 (to appear).

Tafreshi­an, A., Masoud, N. and Yin, Y. Fron­tiers in ser­vice sci­ence: ride-match­ing for peer-to-peer rideshar­ing: A review and future direc­tions, Ser­vice Sci­ence, 12, No. 2–3, 44–60, June–September 2020.

Sun, X., Chen, Z. and Yin, Y. Inte­grat­ed plan­ning of sta­t­ic and dynam­ic charg­ing infra­struc­ture for elec­tric vehi­cles, Trans­porta­tion Research Part D, 83, 102331, 2020.

Abdol­make­li, M., Masoud, N. and Yin, Y. Tran­sit timetable syn­chro­niza­tion for trans­fer time min­i­miza­tion, Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 131, 143–159, 2020.

Xu, Z., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. On the sup­ply curve of ride-hail­ing sys­tems. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 132, 29–43, 2020.

Li, Y., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Pee­ta, S. Deploy­ment of road­side units to over­come con­nec­tiv­i­ty gap in trans­porta­tion net­works with mixed traf­fic. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 111, 496–512, 2020.

Chen, Z., Lin, X, Yin, Y. and Li, M. Path con­trol­ling of auto­mat­ed vehi­cles for sys­tem opti­mum on trans­porta­tion net­works with het­ero­ge­neous traf­fic stream. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 110, 312–329, 2020.

Xiong, C, Sha­habi, M., Zhao, J., Yin, Y., Zhou, X. and Zhang, L. An inte­grat­ed and per­son­al­ized trav­el­er infor­ma­tion and incen­tive scheme for ener­gy effi­cient mobil­i­ty sys­tem. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, 113, 57–73, 2020.

Xu, Z., Yin, Y. and Zha, L. (2017) Opti­mal park­ing pro­vi­sion for ride-sourc­ing ser­vices. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 105, 559–578.

Kon­tou, E., Yin, Y., Lin, Z. and He, F. (2017) Social­ly opti­mal replace­ment of con­ven­tion­al with elec­tric vehi­cles for the US house­hold fleet. Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Sus­tain­able Trans­porta­tion, 11(10), 749–763.

de Andrade, G. R., Chen, Z., Elef­t­e­ri­adou, L. and Yin, Y. (2017) Mul­ti­class traf­fic assign­ment prob­lem with flow-depen­dent pas­sen­ger car equiv­a­lent val­ue of trucks. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2667, 131–141.

Car­rick G., Jermpra­pai, K., Srini­vasan, S. and Yin, Y. (2017) Devel­op­ment of guid­ance for safe­ty ser­vice patrol deploy­ment deci­sions in Flori­da. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2660, 48–57.

Kon­tou, E., Yin, Y. and Ge, Y. (2017) Cost-effi­cient and eco-friend­ly plug-in hybrid elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing man­age­ment. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2628, 87–98.

Chen, Z., Liu, W. and Yin, Y. (2017) Deploy­ment of sta­tion­ary and dynam­ic charg­ing infra­struc­ture for elec­tric vehi­cles along traf­fic cor­ri­dors, Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 77, 185–206.

Xu, H., Yang, H., Zhou, J. and Yin, Y. (2017) A route choice mod­el with con­text-depen­dent val­ue of time. Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence, 51(2), 536–548.

Sun, L. and Yin, Y. (2017) Dis­cov­er­ing themes and trends in trans­porta­tion research using top­ic mod­el­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 77, 49–66.

Chen, Z., He. F., Yin, Y. and Du, Y. (2017) Opti­mal design of autonomous vehi­cle zones in trans­porta­tion net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 99, 44–61.

Chen, Z., He. F. and Yin, Y. (2016) Opti­mal deploy­ment of charg­ing lanes for elec­tric vehi­cles in trans­porta­tion net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 91, 344–365.

Zha, L., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2016) Eco­nom­ic analy­sis of ride-sourc­ing mar­kets. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 71, 249–266.

Chen, Z., He. F. and Yin, Y. (2016) Opti­mal deploy­ment of charg­ing lanes for elec­tric vehi­cles in trans­porta­tion net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 91, 344–365.

Shir­mo­ham­ma­di, N. and Yin, Y. (2016) Trad­able cred­it scheme to con­trol bot­tle­neck queue length. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2561, 53–63.

He, F., Yin, Y., Wang, J. and Yang, Y. (2016) Opti­mal prices of elec­tric­i­ty at pub­lic charg­ing sta­tions for plug-in elec­tric vehi­cles. Net­work and Spa­tial Eco­nom­ics, 16(1), 131–154.

Zhou, Y., Xiao, Q, Mo, Z., Chen, S. and Yin, Y. (2016) Pri­va­cy-pre­serv­ing trans­porta­tion traf­fic mea­sure­ment in intel­li­gent cyber-phys­i­cal road sys­tems. IEEE Trans­ac­tions on Vehic­u­lar Tech­nol­o­gy, 65(5), 3749–3759.

Mamun, M.S., Micha­la­ka, D., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2016) Com­par­i­son of socioe­co­nom­ic impacts of mar­ket-based instru­ments for mobil­i­ty man­age­ment. Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Sus­tain­able Trans­porta­tion, 10(2), 96–104.

Shi, S., Yin, Y. and Guo, X. (2016) Opti­mal choice of capac­i­ty, toll and gov­ern­ment guar­an­tee for build-oper­ate-trans­fer roads under asym­met­ric cost infor­ma­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 85, 56–69.

Chen, Z., Xu, Z., Zan­gui, M. and Yin, Y. (2016) Analy­sis of advanced man­age­ment of curb­side park­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2567, 57–66.

Chen, H., Nie, Y. and Yin, Y. (2015) Opti­mal mul­ti-step toll design under gen­er­al user het­ero­gene­ity. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 81, 775–793.

Liu, W., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2015) Effec­tive­ness of vari­able speed lim­its con­sid­er­ing com­muters’ long-term response. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 81, 498–519.

He, F., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2015) Deploy­ing pub­lic charg­ing sta­tions for elec­tric vehi­cles on urban road net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 60, 227–240.

Zan­gui, M., Aash­tiani, H.Z., Law­phong­panich, S. and Yin, Y. (2015) Path-dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed pric­ing in con­ges­tion mit­i­ga­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 80, 202–219.

Liu, W., Yang, H. and Yin, Y. (2015) Effi­cien­cy of a high­way use reser­va­tion sys­tem for morn­ing com­mute. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 56, 293–308.

Kon­tou, E., Yin, Y. and Lin, Z. (2015) Social­ly opti­mal elec­tric dri­ving range of plug-in hybrid elec­tric vehi­cles. Trans­porta­tion Research Part D, 39, 114–125.

Zan­gui, M., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2015) Sen­sor loca­tion prob­lems in path-dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed con­ges­tion pric­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 55, 217–230.

He, F., Yin, Y., Chen, Z. and Zhou, J. (2015) Pric­ing of park­ing games with atom­ic play­ers. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 73, 1–12.

Song, Z., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2015) Opti­mal deploy­ment of man­aged lanes in gen­er­al net­works. Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Sus­tain­able Trans­porta­tion, 9 (6), 431–441.

Chen, Z., Yin, Y., He, F. and Lin, J. (2015) Park­ing reser­va­tion for man­ag­ing down­town curb­side park­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2498, 12–18.

Laval, J. Cho, H.W., Muñoz, J.C. and Yin, Y. (2015) Real-time con­ges­tion pric­ing strate­gies for toll facil­i­ties. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 71, 19–31.

He, F., Yin, Y., Shir­mo­ham­ma­di, N. and Nie, Y. (2013) Trad­able cred­it schemes on net­works with mixed equi­lib­ri­um behav­iors. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 57, 47–65.

Zan­gui, M., Yin, Y., Law­phong­panich, S. and Chen, S. (2013) Dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed con­ges­tion pric­ing of urban trans­porta­tion net­works with vehi­cle-track­ing tech­nolo­gies. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 434–445.

Micha­la­ka, D., Yin, Y. and Hale, D. (2013) Sim­u­lat­ing high-occu­pan­cy/­toll (HOT) lane oper­a­tions. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2396, 124–132.

Yang, Y., Lu, H., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2013) Opti­miz­ing vari­able speed lim­its for effi­cient, safe and sus­tain­able mobil­i­ty. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2333, 37–45.

Shir­mo­ham­ma­di, N., Zan­gui, M., Yin, Y. and Nie, Y. (2013) Analy­sis and design of trad­able cred­it schemes under uncer­tain­ty. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2333, 27–36.

He, F., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2013) Inte­grat­ed pric­ing of roads and elec­tric­i­ty enabled by wire­less pow­er trans­fer. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 34, 1–15.

Nie, Y. and Yin, Y. (2013) Man­ag­ing rush hour trav­el choic­es with trad­able cred­it scheme. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 50, 1–19.

Zhang, L., Yin, Y. and Chen, S. (2013) Robust sig­nal tim­ing opti­miza­tion with envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 29, 55–71.

He, F., Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Guan, Y. (2013) Opti­mal deploy­ment of pub­lic charg­ing sta­tions for plug-in hybrid elec­tric vehi­cles. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 47(1), 87–101.

Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2011) Opti­mal selec­tion of build-oper­ate-trans­fer projects on trans­porta­tion net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 45, 1699–1709.

Kul­shrestha, A., Wu, D., Lou, Y. and Yin, Y. (2011) Robust shel­ter loca­tions for evac­u­a­tion plan­ning with demand uncer­tain­ty. Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Safe­ty and Secu­ri­ty, 3, 272–288.

Liu, X., Schroed­er, B.J., Thom­son, T., Wang, Y., Rouphail, N. and Yin, Y. (2011) Analy­sis on oper­a­tional inter­ac­tions between free­way man­aged lanes and par­al­lel gen­er­al pur­pose lanes. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2262, 62–73.

Mamun, S., Xu, H and Yin, Y. (2011) Select zone analy­sis for traf­fic impact stud­ies. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2263, 123–130.

Xu, H., Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2011) A prospect-based user equi­lib­ri­um mod­el with endoge­nous ref­er­ence points. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 45, 311–328.

Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2011) Pare­to-improv­ing con­ges­tion pric­ing on mul­ti­modal trans­porta­tion net­works. Euro­pean Jour­nal of Oper­a­tional Research, 210, 660–669.

Li, M., Yin, Y., Zhang, W‑B, Zhou, K. and Naka­mu­ra, H. (2011) Mod­el­ing and imple­men­ta­tion of adap­tive tran­sit sig­nal pri­or­i­ty on actu­at­ed con­trol sys­tems. Com­put­er-Aid­ed Civ­il and Infra­struc­ture Engi­neer­ing, 26, 270–284.

Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2011) Free­way ser­vice patrol deploy­ment plan­ning for inci­dent man­age­ment and con­ges­tion mit­i­ga­tion. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 19, 283–295.

Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2011) The inde­pen­dence of vol­ume-capac­i­ty ratio of pri­vate toll roads in gen­er­al net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 45, 96–101.

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Lou, Y. and Yin, Y. (2010) A decom­po­si­tion scheme for esti­mat­ing dynam­ic origin–destination flows on actu­a­tion-con­trolled sig­nal­ized arte­ri­als. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 18, 643–655.

Law­phong­panich, S. and Yin, Y. (2010) Solv­ing Pare­to-improv­ing con­ges­tion pric­ing for gen­er­al road net­works, Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 18, 234–246.

Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2010) Robust con­ges­tion pric­ing under bound­ed­ly ratio­nal user equi­lib­ri­um. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 44, 15–28.

Yin, Y., Madanat, S. and Lu, X. (2009) Robust improve­ment schemes for road net­works under demand uncer­tain­ty. Euro­pean Jour­nal of Oper­a­tional Research, 198, 470–479.

Yin, Y. and Lou, Y. (2009) Dynam­ic tolling strate­gies for man­aged lanes. ASCE Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Engi­neer­ing, 135(2), 45–52.

Cai, M., Yin, Y. and Xie, M. (2009) Pre­dic­tion of hourly air pol­lu­tant con­cen­tra­tions near urban arte­ri­als using arti­fi­cial neur­al net­work approach. Trans­porta­tion Research Part D, 14, 32–41.

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Yin, Y. (2008) Robust opti­mal traf­fic sig­nal tim­ing. Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 42, 911–924.

Yin, Y. (2008) A sce­nario-based mod­el for fleet allo­ca­tion of free­way ser­vice patrols. Net­works and Spa­tial Eco­nom­ics, 8, 407–417.

Yin, Y., Law­phong­panich, S. and Lou, Y. (2008) Esti­mat­ing invest­ment require­ment for main­tain­ing and improv­ing high­way sys­tems. Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 16, 199–211.

Zhang, L. and Yin, Y. (2008) Robust syn­chro­niza­tion of actu­at­ed sig­nals on arte­ri­als. Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 2080, 111–119.

Yin, Y., Li, M. and Skabar­do­nis, A. (2007) Offline off­set refin­er for coor­di­nat­ed actu­at­ed sig­nal con­trol sys­tems. ASCE Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Engi­neer­ing, 133, 423–432.

Yin, Y. and Law­phong­panich, S. (2006) Inter­nal­iz­ing emis­sion exter­nal­i­ty on road net­works. Trans­porta­tion Research Part D, 11, 292–301.

Yin, Y., Lam, W.H.K. and Ieda, H. (2004) New tech­nol­o­gy and the mod­el­ing of risk-tak­ing behav­ior in con­gest­ed road net­works, Trans­porta­tion Research Part C, 12, 171–192.

Yin, Y., and Yang, H. (2003) Simul­ta­ne­ous deter­mi­na­tion of the equi­lib­ri­um mar­ket pen­e­tra­tion and com­pli­ance rate of advanced trav­el­er infor­ma­tion sys­tems, Trans­porta­tion Research Part A, 37(2), 165–181.

Yin, Y., and Ieda, H. (2002) An opti­mal improve­ment scheme for net­work reli­a­bil­i­ty, Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 1783, 1–6.

Yin, Y., and Ieda, H. (2001) Assess­ing per­for­mance reli­a­bil­i­ty of road net­works under non-recur­rent con­ges­tion, Trans­porta­tion Research Record, 1771, 148–155.

Lam, W.H.K. and Yin, Y. (2001) An activ­i­ty-based time-depen­dent traf­fic assign­ment mod­el, Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, 35, 549–574.

Yin, Y. (2000) Genet­ic-algo­rithm-based approach for bi-lev­el pro­gram­ming mod­els, Jour­nal of Trans­porta­tion Engi­neer­ing, ASCE, 126(2), 115–120.