Ahmadian Shahreza, A., Bahrami, S., Nourinejad, M., & Yin, Y. Investment and Financing of Roadway Digital Infrastructure for Automated Driving. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 192, 103146, 2025.
Tan, Z., Sheng, D., & Yin, Y. . Shore-power capacity allocation in a container shipping network under ships’ strategic behaviors. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 192, 103151, 2025.
Wu, M., Yin, Y., & Lynch, J. P. Multiday User Equilibrium with Strategic Commuters. Transportation Science, 2024.
Wu, M., Wang, B., Yin, Y., & Lynch, J. P. Participatory traffic control: Leveraging connected and automated vehicles to enhance network efficiency. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 166, 104757, 2024.
Shi, S., Tuo, Y., Pan, M., Yin, Y., Chen, Y., Zhou, X., & Chen, K. Signaling contracts design for Build–Operate–Transfer roads under asymmetric traffic demand information. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 183, 103465, 2024.
Dong, T., Sun, X., Luo, Q., Wang, J., & Yin, Y. The dual effects of team contest design on on-demand service work schedules. Service Science, 16(1), 22–41, 2024.
Dong, T., Luo, Q., Xu, Z., Yin, Y., & Wang, J. Strategic driver repositioning in ride-hailing networks with dual sourcing. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 158, 104450, 2024.
Bahrami, S., Nourinejad, M., Yin, Y. and Wang, H. The Three-Sided Market of On-Demand Delivery. Transportation Research Part E, 179, 1 103313, 2023.
Liu, T., Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y., Qin, Z. and Li, Q. Threshold-Based Incentives for Ride-Sourcing Drivers: Implications on Supply Management and Welfare Effects. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 156, 104323, 2023.
Luo, Q., Nagarajan, V., Sundt, A., Yin, Y., Vincent, J. and Shahabi, M. Efficient Algorithms for Stochastic Ridepooling Assignment with Mixed Fleets. Transportation Science, 57(4), 839‑1114, 2023.
Nourinejad, M, Bahrami, S. and Yin, Y. Optimal Investment in Driving Automation: Individual vs. Cooperative Sensing. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 174, 102777, 2023.
Liu, T., Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y., Li, Q. and Qin, Z. Effects of threshold-based incentives on drivers’ labor supply behavior, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 152, 104140, 2023.
Fei, X., Wang, X., Yu, X., Feng, Y., Liu, H., Shen, S. and Yin, Y. Traffic signal control under stochastic traffic demand and vehicle turning via decentralized decomposition approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 310(2), 712–736, 2023.
Liu, Z., Yin, Y., Bai, F. and Grimm, D. End-to-end learning of user equilibrium with implicit neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 150, 104085, 2023.
Dong, T., Sun, X.„ Luo, Q., Wang, J., Yin, Y. The dual effects of team contest design on on-demand service work schedules. Service Science, https://doi.org/10.1287/serv.2023.0320, 2023.
Vignon, D., Ke, J., and Yin, Y. Regulating the ride-hailing market in the age of Uberization. Transportation Research Part E, 169, 102969, 2023.
Radvand, T., Bahrami, S., Yin, Y. and Laberteaux, K. Curbing cruising-as-substitution-for-parking in automated mobility. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103853, 2022.
Xu, M., Yan, X. and Yin, Y. Truck routing and platooning optimization considering drivers’ mandatory breaks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,143, 103809, 2022.
Vignon, D. and Yin, Y. and Bahrami, S. and Laberteaux, K. Economic analysis of vehicle infrastructure cooperation for driving automation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142, 103757, 2022.
Liu, Z., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Xu, Z. Regulatory policies to electrify ridesourcing systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 141, 103743, 2022.
Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. An empirical study of the labor supply of ride-sourcing drivers. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 14(4),352–355, 2022.
Wang, X., Yin, Y., Feng, Y. and Liu, X. Learning the max pressure control for urban traffic networks considering the phase switching loss. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 140, 103670, 2022.
Bahrami, S., Nourinejad, M., Nesheli, M., and Yin, Y. Optimal composition of solo and pool services for on-demand ride-hailing. Transportation Research Part E, 161, 102680, 2022.
Spana, S. Du, L. and Yin, Y. Strategic information perturbation for an online in-vehicle coordinated routing mechanism for connected vehicles under mixed-strategy congestion game. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 4541–4555, May 2022.
Ke, J., Li, X., Yang, H., and Yin, Y. Pareto-efficient solutions and regulations of congested ride-sourcing markets with heterogeneous demand and supply. Transportation Research Part E, 102483, 2021.
Sun, X. and Yin, Y. An auction mechanism for platoon leader determination in single-brand cooperative vehicle platooning. Economics of Transportation, 28, 100233, 2021.
Xu, Z., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. Equilibrium analysis of urban traffic networks with ride-sourcing services. Transportation Science, Vol. 55, No. 6, 1260–1279, 2021.
Lin, X., Li, M., Shen, Z., Yin, Y. and He, F. Rhythmic control of automated traffic—Part II: grid network rhythm and online routing. Transportation Science, Vol. 55, No. 5, 988‑1009, 2021.
Chen, X., Li, M, Lin, X., Yin, Y. and He, F. Rhythmic control of automated traffic—Part I: concept and properties at isolated intersections. Transportation Science, Vol. 55, No. 5, 969–987, 2021.
Abdolmaleki, M., Shahabi, M., Yin, Y., Masoud, N. Itinerary planning for cooperative truck platooning. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 153, 91–110, 2021.
Sun, X. and Yin, Y. Decentralized game-theoretical approaches for behaviorally-stable and efficient vehicle platooning. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 153, 45–69, 2021.
Shi, S., Yin, Y., An, Q. and Chen K. Optimal build-operate-transfer road contracts under information asymmetry and uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 152, 65–86, 2021.
Sun, X. Wu, H., Abdolmaleki, M., Yin, Y. and Zou, B. Investigating the potential of track platooning for energy savings: empirical study of the U.S. national highway freight network. Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2675(12), 784–796. 2021.
Urata, J., Xu, Z., Ke, J., Yin, Y., Wu, G. Yang, H., Ye, J. Learning ride-sourcing drivers’ customer-searching behavior: A dynamic discrete choice approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 130, September 2021, 103293.
Xu, Z., Yin, Y., Chao, X., Zhu, H. and Ye, J. A generalized fluid model of ride-hailing systems. Transportation Research Part B, 150, 587–605, 2021.
Qin, G., Luo, Q., Yin, Y., Sun, J. and Ye, J. Optimizing matching time intervals for ride-hailing services using reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 129, 103239, 2021.
Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ke, J. Regulating ridesourcing services with product differentiation and congestion externality. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 127, 103088, 2021.
Dong, T., Xu, Z., Luo, Q., Yin, Y., Wang, J. and Ye, J. Optimal contract design for ride-sourcing services under dual sourcing. Transportation Research Part B, 146, 289–313, 2021.
Bahrami, S., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Laberteaux, K. Parking management of automated vehicles in downtown areas. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 126, 103001, 2021.
Lin, X., Yin, Y. and He, F. Credit-based mobility management considering travelers’ budgeting behavior under uncertainty. Transportation Science, 55(2):297–314, 2021.
Mo, B, Feng, K., Shen, Y., Tam, C, Li, D. Yin, Y. and Zhao, J. Modeling epidemic spreading through public transit using time-varying encounter network. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 122, January 2021, 102893.
Spana, S. Du, L. and Yin, Y. Strategic information perturbation for an online in-vehicle coordinated routing mechanism for connected vehicles under mixed-strategy congestion game. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020. (to appear)
Wang, X., Jin, W. and Yin, Y. A control theoretic approach to simultaneously estimate average value of time and determine dynamic price for high-occupancy toll lanes. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(11), 7293–7305, 2021.
Xu, Z., Vignon, D., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. An empirical study of the labor supply of ride-sourcing drivers. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 2020 (to appear).
Tafreshian, A., Masoud, N. and Yin, Y. Frontiers in service science: ride-matching for peer-to-peer ridesharing: A review and future directions, Service Science, 12, No. 2–3, 44–60, June–September 2020.
Sun, X., Chen, Z. and Yin, Y. Integrated planning of static and dynamic charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, Transportation Research Part D, 83, 102331, 2020.
Abdolmakeli, M., Masoud, N. and Yin, Y. Transit timetable synchronization for transfer time minimization, Transportation Research Part B, 131, 143–159, 2020.
Xu, Z., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. On the supply curve of ride-hailing systems. Transportation Research Part B, 132, 29–43, 2020.
Li, Y., Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Peeta, S. Deployment of roadside units to overcome connectivity gap in transportation networks with mixed traffic. Transportation Research Part C, 111, 496–512, 2020.
Chen, Z., Lin, X, Yin, Y. and Li, M. Path controlling of automated vehicles for system optimum on transportation networks with heterogeneous traffic stream. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 110, 312–329, 2020.
Xiong, C, Shahabi, M., Zhao, J., Yin, Y., Zhou, X. and Zhang, L. An integrated and personalized traveler information and incentive scheme for energy efficient mobility system. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 113, 57–73, 2020.
Luo, Q, Sigal, R., Chen, Z. and Yin, Y. Accelerating the adoption of automated vehicles by subsidies: a dynamic games approach. Transportation Research Part B, 129, 226–243, 2019.
Zhang, X, Liu, W., Waller, S.T. and Yin, Y. Modelling and managing the integrated morning-evening commuting and parking patterns under the fully autonomous vehicle environment. Transportation Research Part B, 128, 380–407, 2019.
Feng, X., Shen, M., Xu, Z, Li, R., Yang, H. and Yin, Y. (2019) Day-to-day flow dynamics for stochastic user equilibrium and a general Lyapunov function. Transportation Science, 53(3), 683–694.
Abdolmakeli, M., Masoud, N. and Yin, Y. (2019) Vehicle-to-vehicle wireless power transfer: paving the way toward an electrified transportation system. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 261–280.
Xu, Z., Yin, Y. and Ye, J. (2019) On the supply curve of ride-hailing systems. Transportation Research Part B.
Sun, X. and Yin, Y. (2019) Behaviorally stable vehicle platooning for energy savings. Transportation Research Part C, 99, 37–52.
Chen, Z., Spana, S. and Yin, Y. (2019) Advanced parking navigation system for downtown parking. Network and Spatial Economics, 953–968.
Chen, Z., Yin, Y. and Song, Z. (2018) A cost-competitiveness analysis of charging infrastructure for electric bus operations. Transportation Research Part C, 93, 351–366.
Zha, L., Yin, Y. and Xu, Z. (2018) Geometric Matching and Spatial Pricing in Ride-Sourcing Markets. Transportation Research Part C, 92, 58–75.
Sun, X. and Yin, Y. (2018) A Simulation study on max pressure control of signalized intersections. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118786840.
Sun, X., Shahabi, M., Carrick, G., Yin, Y., Sivaramakrishnan, S. and Shirmohammadi, N. (2018) Methods for design of safety service patrol beats: The Florida Road Ranger case study. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118788183.
Cheng, C., Ji, Y., Yin, Y., Du, Y. and Sun, L. (2018) Designing time-limited parking management plan for large scale parking lots. ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(7), 04018027.
Zha, L., Yin, Y. and Du, Y. (2018) Surge pricing and labor supply in ride-sourcing market. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 708–722.
Xu, Z., Yin, Y. and Zha, L. (2017) Optimal parking provision for ride-sourcing services. Transportation Research Part B, 105, 559–578.
Kontou, E., Yin, Y., Lin, Z. and He, F. (2017) Socially optimal replacement of conventional with electric vehicles for the US household fleet. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(10), 749–763.
de Andrade, G. R., Chen, Z., Elefteriadou, L. and Yin, Y. (2017) Multiclass traffic assignment problem with flow-dependent passenger car equivalent value of trucks. Transportation Research Record, 2667, 131–141.
Carrick G., Jermprapai, K., Srinivasan, S. and Yin, Y. (2017) Development of guidance for safety service patrol deployment decisions in Florida. Transportation Research Record, 2660, 48–57.
Kontou, E., Yin, Y. and Ge, Y. (2017) Cost-efficient and eco-friendly plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging management. Transportation Research Record, 2628, 87–98.
Chen, Z., Liu, W. and Yin, Y. (2017) Deployment of stationary and dynamic charging infrastructure for electric vehicles along traffic corridors, Transportation Research Part C, 77, 185–206.
Xu, H., Yang, H., Zhou, J. and Yin, Y. (2017) A route choice model with context-dependent value of time. Transportation Science, 51(2), 536–548.
Sun, L. and Yin, Y. (2017) Discovering themes and trends in transportation research using topic modeling. Transportation Research Part C, 77, 49–66.
Chen, Z., He. F., Yin, Y. and Du, Y. (2017) Optimal design of autonomous vehicle zones in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B, 99, 44–61.
Chen, Z., He. F. and Yin, Y. (2016) Optimal deployment of charging lanes for electric vehicles in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B, 91, 344–365.
Zha, L., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2016) Economic analysis of ride-sourcing markets. Transportation Research Part C, 71, 249–266.
Chen, Z., He. F. and Yin, Y. (2016) Optimal deployment of charging lanes for electric vehicles in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B, 91, 344–365.
Shirmohammadi, N. and Yin, Y. (2016) Tradable credit scheme to control bottleneck queue length. Transportation Research Record, 2561, 53–63.
He, F., Yin, Y., Wang, J. and Yang, Y. (2016) Optimal prices of electricity at public charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles. Network and Spatial Economics, 16(1), 131–154.
Zhou, Y., Xiao, Q, Mo, Z., Chen, S. and Yin, Y. (2016) Privacy-preserving transportation traffic measurement in intelligent cyber-physical road systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(5), 3749–3759.
Mamun, M.S., Michalaka, D., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2016) Comparison of socioeconomic impacts of market-based instruments for mobility management. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(2), 96–104.
Shi, S., Yin, Y. and Guo, X. (2016) Optimal choice of capacity, toll and government guarantee for build-operate-transfer roads under asymmetric cost information. Transportation Research Part B, 85, 56–69.
Chen, Z., Xu, Z., Zangui, M. and Yin, Y. (2016) Analysis of advanced management of curbside parking. Transportation Research Record, 2567, 57–66.
Chen, H., Nie, Y. and Yin, Y. (2015) Optimal multi-step toll design under general user heterogeneity. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 775–793.
Liu, W., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2015) Effectiveness of variable speed limits considering commuters’ long-term response. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 498–519.
He, F., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2015) Deploying public charging stations for electric vehicles on urban road networks. Transportation Research Part C, 60, 227–240.
Zangui, M., Aashtiani, H.Z., Lawphongpanich, S. and Yin, Y. (2015) Path-differentiated pricing in congestion mitigation. Transportation Research Part B, 80, 202–219.
Liu, W., Yang, H. and Yin, Y. (2015) Efficiency of a highway use reservation system for morning commute. Transportation Research Part C, 56, 293–308.
Kontou, E., Yin, Y. and Lin, Z. (2015) Socially optimal electric driving range of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 39, 114–125.
Zangui, M., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2015) Sensor location problems in path-differentiated congestion pricing. Transportation Research Part C, 55, 217–230.
He, F., Yin, Y., Chen, Z. and Zhou, J. (2015) Pricing of parking games with atomic players. Transportation Research Part B, 73, 1–12.
Song, Z., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2015) Optimal deployment of managed lanes in general networks. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 9 (6), 431–441.
Chen, Z., Yin, Y., He, F. and Lin, J. (2015) Parking reservation for managing downtown curbside parking. Transportation Research Record, 2498, 12–18.
Laval, J. Cho, H.W., Muñoz, J.C. and Yin, Y. (2015) Real-time congestion pricing strategies for toll facilities. Transportation Research Part B, 71, 19–31.
Song, Z., Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Yang. H. (2014) A Pareto-improving hybrid policy for transportation networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(3), 272–286.
Yang, Y., Yin, Y. and Lu, H. (2014) Designing emission charging schemes for transportation conformity. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(7), 766–781.
Kulshrestha, A., Lou, Y. and Yin, Y. (2014) Pick-up locations and bus allocation for transit-based evacuation planning with demand uncertainty. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(7), 721–733.
Liu, W., Yang, H. and Yin. Y. (2014) Traffic rationing and pricing in a linear monocentric city. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(6), 655–672.
He, F., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2014) Network equilibrium models with battery electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B, 67, 306–319.
Liu, W., Yang, H. and Yin, Y. (2014) Expirable parking reservations for managing morning commute with parking space constraints. Transportation Research Part C, 44, 185–201.
Liu, W., Yang, H., Yin, Y. and Zhang, F. (2014) A novel permit scheme for managing parking competition and bottleneck congestion. Transportation Research Part C, 44, 265–281.
He, F., Yin, Y., Shirmohammadi, N. and Nie, Y. (2013) Tradable credit schemes on networks with mixed equilibrium behaviors. Transportation Research Part B, 57, 47–65.
Zangui, M., Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Chen, S. (2013) Differentiated congestion pricing of urban transportation networks with vehicle-tracking technologies. Transportation Research Part C, 434–445.
Michalaka, D., Yin, Y. and Hale, D. (2013) Simulating high-occupancy/toll (HOT) lane operations. Transportation Research Record, 2396, 124–132.
Yang, Y., Lu, H., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2013) Optimizing variable speed limits for efficient, safe and sustainable mobility. Transportation Research Record, 2333, 37–45.
Shirmohammadi, N., Zangui, M., Yin, Y. and Nie, Y. (2013) Analysis and design of tradable credit schemes under uncertainty. Transportation Research Record, 2333, 27–36.
He, F., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2013) Integrated pricing of roads and electricity enabled by wireless power transfer. Transportation Research Part C, 34, 1–15.
Nie, Y. and Yin, Y. (2013) Managing rush hour travel choices with tradable credit scheme. Transportation Research Part B, 50, 1–19.
Zhang, L., Yin, Y. and Chen, S. (2013) Robust signal timing optimization with environmental concerns. Transportation Research Part C, 29, 55–71.
He, F., Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Guan, Y. (2013) Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B, 47(1), 87–101.
Yang, H., Wang, X. and Yin, Y. (2012) The impact of speed limits on traffic equilibrium and system performance in networks. Transportation Research Part B, 46(10), 1295–1307.
Wu, D., Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Yang H. (2012) Design of more equitable congestion pricing and tradable credit schemes for multimodal transportation Networks. Transportation Research Part B, 46(9), 1273–1287.
Lawphongpanich S. and Yin, Y. (2012) Nonlinear pricing on transportation networks. Transportation Research Part C, 20, 218–235.
Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2011) Optimal selection of build-operate-transfer projects on transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B, 45, 1699–1709.
Kulshrestha, A., Wu, D., Lou, Y. and Yin, Y. (2011) Robust shelter locations for evacuation planning with demand uncertainty. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 3, 272–288.
Liu, X., Schroeder, B.J., Thomson, T., Wang, Y., Rouphail, N. and Yin, Y. (2011) Analysis on operational interactions between freeway managed lanes and parallel general purpose lanes. Transportation Research Record, 2262, 62–73.
Mamun, S., Xu, H and Yin, Y. (2011) Select zone analysis for traffic impact studies. Transportation Research Record, 2263, 123–130.
Xu, H., Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. (2011) A prospect-based user equilibrium model with endogenous reference points. Transportation Research Part B, 45, 311–328.
Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2011) Pareto-improving congestion pricing on multimodal transportation networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 210, 660–669.
Li, M., Yin, Y., Zhang, W‑B, Zhou, K. and Nakamura, H. (2011) Modeling and implementation of adaptive transit signal priority on actuated control systems. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 26, 270–284.
Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2011) Freeway service patrol deployment planning for incident management and congestion mitigation. Transportation Research Part C, 19, 283–295.
Wu, D., Yin, Y. and Yang, H. (2011) The independence of volume-capacity ratio of private toll roads in general networks. Transportation Research Part B, 45, 96–101.
Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Laval, J. (2011) Optimal dynamic pricing strategies for high-occupancy/toll lanes. Transportation Research Part C, 19, 64–74.
Lou, Y. and Yin, Y. (2010) A decomposition scheme for estimating dynamic origin–destination flows on actuation-controlled signalized arterials. Transportation Research Part C, 18, 643–655.
Lawphongpanich, S. and Yin, Y. (2010) Solving Pareto-improving congestion pricing for general road networks, Transportation Research Part C, 18, 234–246.
Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2010) Robust congestion pricing under boundedly rational user equilibrium. Transportation Research Part B, 44, 15–28.
Yin, Y., Madanat, S. and Lu, X. (2009) Robust improvement schemes for road networks under demand uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 198, 470–479.
Yin, Y. and Lou, Y. (2009) Dynamic tolling strategies for managed lanes. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135(2), 45–52.
Cai, M., Yin, Y. and Xie, M. (2009) Prediction of hourly air pollutant concentrations near urban arterials using artificial neural network approach. Transportation Research Part D, 14, 32–41.
Lou, Y., Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2009) Robust approach to discrete network designs with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Record, 2090, 86–94.
Yin, Y. (2008) Robust optimal traffic signal timing. Transportation Research Part B, 42, 911–924.
Yin, Y. (2008) A scenario-based model for fleet allocation of freeway service patrols. Networks and Spatial Economics, 8, 407–417.
Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Lou, Y. (2008) Estimating investment requirement for maintaining and improving highway systems. Transportation Research Part C, 16, 199–211.
Zhang, L. and Yin, Y. (2008) Robust synchronization of actuated signals on arterials. Transportation Research Record, 2080, 111–119.
Yin, Y., Li, M. and Skabardonis, A. (2007) Offline offset refiner for coordinated actuated signal control systems. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 133, 423–432.
Yin, Y. and Lawphongpanich, S. (2006) Internalizing emission externality on road networks. Transportation Research Part D, 11, 292–301.
Yin, Y., Lam, W.H.K. and Ieda, H. (2004) New technology and the modeling of risk-taking behavior in congested road networks, Transportation Research Part C, 12, 171–192.
Yin, Y., and Yang, H. (2003) Simultaneous determination of the equilibrium market penetration and compliance rate of advanced traveler information systems, Transportation Research Part A, 37(2), 165–181.
Yin, Y., and Ieda, H. (2002) An optimal improvement scheme for network reliability, Transportation Research Record, 1783, 1–6.
Yin, Y., and Ieda, H. (2001) Assessing performance reliability of road networks under non-recurrent congestion, Transportation Research Record, 1771, 148–155.
Lam, W.H.K. and Yin, Y. (2001) An activity-based time-dependent traffic assignment model, Transportation Research Part B, 35, 549–574.
Yin, Y. (2000) Genetic-algorithm-based approach for bi-level programming models, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 126(2), 115–120.