
Fac­ul­ty in Civ­il and Envi­ron­men­tal Engi­neer­ing dis­ci­plines around the globe are inter­est­ed in adding social con­text to engi­neer­ing education.

There is broad agree­ment that stu­dents should be equipped with the abil­i­ty to rec­og­nize inequity in deci­sion-mak­ing, antic­i­pate unin­tend­ed con­se­quences, and ana­lyze dis­parate stake­hold­er outcomes.

How­ev­er, many edu­ca­tors cite a lack of famil­iar­i­ty with rel­e­vant projects and poli­cies as an imped­i­ment to expand­ing CEE edu­ca­tion. The DEItabase was cre­at­ed as a com­mu­ni­ty repos­i­to­ry to meet this need.

Those inter­est­ed in the inter­sec­tion of CEE and DEI are wel­come to browse the DEItabase for inspi­ra­tion and ideas for class­room dis­cus­sions, and should sub­mit new illus­tra­tions of his­toric or con­tem­po­rary projects!