Contribute in Two Steps


    First name

    Last name

    Email address

    Phone num­ber (Option­al)


    What is the title of your case study? 

    Which CEE sub­jects are rel­e­vant to this case study? (Please check all that apply) 

    Please write a brief sum­ma­ry of the case study (2–3 sentences). 

    Please pro­vide a detailed descrip­tion which includes the following: 

    • When was the project/infrastructure designed/constructed?

    • Where did this occur? 

    • Was there a fed­er­al, state, or local gov­ern­ment agency involved? If so, which one? 

    • What were the con­se­quences of the project? What were the ben­e­fits? Were deci­sions moti­vat­ed by bias/discrimination, or were neg­a­tive con­se­quences unintended? 

    • Any oth­er rel­e­vant information? 

    What are some dis­cus­sion ques­tions that might be inter­est­ing and/or pro­duc­tive in a class­room setting? 

    Please list ref­er­ences that describe the case. These can include but are not lim­it­ed to a) Peer reviewed arti­cles; b) Pop­u­lar media/news ref­er­ences; c) Videos/podcasts; d) Books/memoirs.

    Researcher com­ments (Option­al)

    Is there any­thing you’d like to share with the DEItabase man­agers? (Option­al)

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