ISTTT began


FIGURE 1 Since the first sym­po­sium at Michi­gan in 1959, the ISTTT series has been the pre­mier gath­er­ing for the world’s trans­porta­tion and traf­fic the­o­rists, and for those who are inter­est­ed in con­tribut­ing to or gain­ing a deep­er under­stand­ing of the field. The sym­po­sium cov­ers all sci­en­tif­ic, fun­da­men­tal and method­olog­i­cal aspects of trans­porta­tion sys­tems span­ning all modes of trans­porta­tion, and top­ics relat­ed to logis­tics, opti­miza­tion, net­works, safe­ty and emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies are also welcome.

The 25th Inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­sium on Trans­porta­tion and Traf­fic Theory
was held July 15–17, 2024 in Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, Unit­ed States.


See you in ISTTT26 in Munich, Ger­many in 2026. Vis­it their web­site.

Spe­cial Ses­sion 2 1/2:
“The Song of the ISTTT25”

Event find­er

Ahn, Soy­oung (Sue)
Aka­mat­su, Takashi
Alan­qary, Arwa
Alisoltani, Negin
Alon­­so-Mora, Javier
Ameli, Mostafa
Ban, Jeff
Bandiera, Clau­dia
Bat­ley, Richard
Bayen, Alexan­dre M.
Bell, Michael G H
Beo­jone, Caio Vitor
Bhat­tachar­jya, Jyotir­moy­ee
Bliemer, Michiel
Cao, Yumin
Cas­sidy, Michael J.
Cen, Xuekai
Chen, Zhib­in
Chen, Dan­jue
Chen, Kehua
Chen, Xiqun (Michael)
Chen, Xu
Chen, Cyn­thia
Cheng, Xi
Coif­man, Ben­jamin
Cokyasar, Tan­er
Con­nors, Richard D.
Cook, Adi­an
Dagan­zo, Car­los F.
Dantsu­ji, Takao
Di, Xuan
Doig, Jean
Engel­hardt, Roman
Fan, Ximeng
Fan, Yueyue
Feng, Liyang
Feng, Yiheng
Fiel­baum, Andrés
Fu, Zhe
Gayah, Vikash V.
Geers, Glenn
Geroli­m­in­is, Niko­las
Gu, Ziyuan
Had­dad, Jack
Ham­dar, Samer
Haque, Mohaimin­ul
Hazel­ton, Mar­tin
He, Xiaozheng (Sean)
Her­ty, Michael
Hey­deck­er, Ben­jamin
Hong, Yuan
Hu, Simon
Hu, Xinyue
Huang, Hai-Jun
Huang, Shuai
Iaco­mi­ni, Elisa
Iryo, Taka­masa
Jia, Shaocheng
Jiang, Jiwan
Jin, Li
Jin, Wen­long
Ka, Eun­han
Khan, Zaid Saeed
Kobayashi, Shun-ichi
Krei­dieh, Abdul Rahman
Krish­naku­mari, Pan­chamy
Lau­riere, Math­ieu
Laval, Jorge
Le, Dat Tien
Lebacque, Jean-Patrick
Lecler­cq, Ludovic
Lee, Enoch
Lehe, Lewis J.
Li, Zihao
Li, Shen
Li, Jiayang
Li, Manzi
Li, Yifan
Lim, Jisoon
Lin, Jane
Liu, Yuhao
Liu, Jiachao
Liu, Wei
Liu, Hao
Liu, Ronghui
Liu, Yang
Liu, Tian-Liang
Liu, Zhiyuan
Lo, Hong K.
Loder, Allis­ter
Ma, Xiaoyu
Mah­mas­sani, Hani S.
Martínez, Irene
Masoud, Neda
Menén­dez, Móni­ca
Mo, Zhaobin
Mol­nar, Tamas G.
Nakaya­ma, Shoichi­ro
Ng, Max T.M.
Nie, Yu (Mar­co)
Orosz, Gábor
Oso­rio, Jesus
Ouyang, Yan­feng
Ozbay, Kaan
Pandey, Ayush
Pee­ta, Srini­vas
Qian, Sean
Qu, Xu
Ran, Bin
Ren, Kanghui
Rock­afel­larc, R. Tyrrell
Saberi, Meead
Safa­di, Yazan
Sakai, Takara
Sat­sukawa, Koki
Schmöck­er, Jan-Dirk
Segala, Chiara
Shen, Shiyu
Si, Bingfeng
Sir­matelb, Isik Ilber
Song, Jun
Sun, Xiao­tong
Sun, Lijun
Sun, Wen­zhe
Takaya­ma, Yuki
Talebpour, Alireza
Tang, Yu
Tian, Qiong
Uğurel, Ekin
Ukkusuri, Satish V.
van Lint, Hans
Ver­bas, Ömer
Viti, Francesco
Wada, Ken­taro
Wang, Xiaolei
Wang, Xin
Wang, Siy­ing
Wang, Qian­ni
Wang, David Z.W.
Wang, Jingx­ing
Wang, Fei­long
Wang, Qiqing
Wang, Zejiang
Wang, Wen­shuo
Watling, David
Wong, S.C.
Wong, Wai
Xie, Jun
Xu, Zhengt­ian
Xu, Pu
Xue, Jiawei
Yam­aguchi, Hiromichi
Yang, Hai
Yang, Chen
Yang, Shan
Yang, Kai­di
Yao, Rui
Ye, Anke
Yin, Peng­hang
Zang, Zhao­qi
Zhang, Yun­long
Zhang, Xiaon­ing
Zhang, Yu
Zhang, Zhuoye
Zhang, Fang­ni
Zhang, Kenan
Zhang, Chengyuan
Zhao, Chaoyue
Zheng, Yuan
Zheng, Zuduo
Zhou, Yang
Zhou, Yihe
Zhou, Bo
Zhou, Anye
Zhou, Hao
Zhu, Meix­in
Zhu, Peng­bo

Upcom­ing events

There are no upcom­ing events.

Welcome to the 25th Inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­sium on Trans­porta­tion and Traf­fic The­o­ry (ISTTT25). We are delight­ed to host this mile­stone event in Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, USA, from July 15 to 17, 2024. This sym­po­sium, proud­ly orga­nized by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Davis, con­tin­ues the esteemed lega­cy of the ISTTT series.

As we gath­er for ISTTT25, we reflect on the remark­able jour­ney that began with the first ISTTT in 1959 in War­ren, Michi­gan. This era wit­nessed a boom in pri­vate car own­er­ship in the West­ern world, with the Unit­ed States lead­ing as a major auto­mo­bile pro­duc­er. Hen­ry Ford’s vision of mak­ing cars afford­able for any­one with a sta­ble job was becom­ing a real­i­ty. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the field of trans­porta­tion and traf­fic the­o­ry began to form, pio­neered by stud­ies like the Detroit area study which laid the ground­work for trans­porta­tion plan­ning world­wide. Foun­da­tion­al research in traf­fic flow the­o­ry was con­duct­ed by Robert Her­man and his col­leagues at the Gen­er­al Motors Research Lab­o­ra­to­ry, lead­ing to the incep­tion of ISTTT in War­ren. 65 years lat­er, with trans­porta­tion at the cusp of new tech­no­log­i­cal rev­o­lu­tions, Michi­gan con­tin­ues to lead in the devel­op­ment and test­ing of con­nect­ed and auto­mat­ed trans­porta­tion sys­tems, mak­ing it an apt loca­tion to host this year’s ISTTT.

read more

ISTTT25 cel­e­brates the achieve­ments of the past 65 years while explor­ing emerg­ing mobil­i­ty ser­vices, sys­tems, and solu­tions. For ISTTT25, we received 271 extend­ed abstracts, out of which 100 were invit­ed for full paper sub­mis­sion. We received 90 full papers, and through a rig­or­ous two-stage ref­er­ee­ing process, 60 papers have been select­ed for pre­sen­ta­tion. These include 36 podi­um pre­sen­ta­tions and 24 poster pre­sen­ta­tions. The thor­ough review process involved eval­u­a­tion by inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized schol­ars, ensur­ing the high­est qual­i­ty of work is pre­sent­ed at ISTTT25. These papers will be pub­lished in spe­cial issues of Trans­porta­tion Research Part B, Part C, and Trans­porta­tion Science.

ISTTT25 not only cham­pi­ons tech­ni­cal excel­lence but also fos­ters a com­mu­ni­ty of schol­ars keen on shap­ing the future of trans­porta­tion. At this crit­i­cal time when emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies are trans­form­ing trans­porta­tion and chal­leng­ing tra­di­tion­al par­a­digms of trans­porta­tion and traf­fic the­o­ry, ISTTT25 fea­tures three spe­cial ses­sions designed to ignite dis­cus­sion on the trans­for­ma­tive research direc­tions that can sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact the devel­op­ment of next-gen­er­a­tion trans­porta­tion systems.

Thank you for join­ing us and bring­ing your exper­tise to this enrich­ing gath­er­ing. We hope your time here sparks new ideas, reju­ve­nates old con­nec­tions, and fos­ters new col­lab­o­ra­tions. May your expe­ri­ence in Ann Arbor be filled with fruit­ful sci­en­tif­ic exchange, net­work­ing, and the pur­suit of inno­v­a­tive research endeavors. 


Co-chaired by

Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan, Ann Arbor

Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan, Ann Arbor

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Davis

Get published
in these special issues.

Giv­en the high stan­dards of the ISTTT series, only 36 papers will be select­ed for podi­um pre­sen­ta­tion and a max­i­mum of 24 papers will be select­ed for poster pre­sen­ta­tion. Spe­cial issues at Trans­porta­tion Research Part B: Method­olog­i­cal, Trans­porta­tion Research Part C: Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies, and Trans­porta­tion Sci­ence have been planned for ISTTT25. As per pre­vi­ous ISTTTs, we expect all papers accept­ed by ISTTT25 to be pub­lished in these three spe­cial issues.

Last updat­ed: July 26, 2024

dates and deadlines.

1. Extended abstract submission

DECEMBER 10, 2022*
– Dead­line for extend­ed abstract submission.
MARCH 1, 2023
– Noti­fi­ca­tion of accep­tance or rejec­tion of abstracts.

2. Full paper submission

JULY 8, 2023*
– Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of full papers for review.
OCTOBER 23, 2023*
– Noti­fi­ca­tion of the first round of reviews.

3. Revised paper submission

JANUARY 15, 2024
– Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of revised ver­sion of select­ed papers for spe­cial issues.

APRIL 1, 2024
– Final noti­fi­ca­tion of accep­tance of full papers for ISTTT25.

MAY 1, 2024
– Sub­mis­sion of cam­era-ready copy of accept­ed papers for ISTTT25.

ISTTT25 welcomes
topics including but not limited to

Traffic flow theories and their implications

Traffic management and control

Intelligent transportation systems

Transportation network modeling and optimization

Travel behaviors and demand modeling

Emerging mobility solutions and services

Connected and automated vehicles and their implications

Modeling and simulation of naturalistic driving environment


Public transport systems

Pedestrian and crowd modeling

Transportation safety

Freight transportation modeling, logistics, and supply chains

Transportation policy

Business analytics

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