Conference venues

Our con­fer­ence encom­pass­es mul­ti­ple venues, includ­ing the main hub at Rack­ham where podi­um and poster pre­sen­ta­tions occur. Addi­tion­al­ly, we have spe­cial­ized venues for work­shops, the IAC meet­ing, and social events such as din­ners and ban­quets. For easy nav­i­ga­tion, scan the QR code to access Google Maps directions.

ann arbor weather 
Ann Arbor, MI 
10:21 am, Feb 16, 2025
temperature icon -3°C
light snow 
Humidity Humid­i­ty: 82 % 
Pressure Pres­sure: 1000 mb 
Wind Wind: 22 Km/h
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 44 Km/h
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Visibility Vis­i­bil­i­ty: 0 km
Sunrise Sun­rise: 7:29 am
Sunset Sun­set: 6:08 pm

1 Main venue: 4th Floor, Rackham Graduate School

  • Open­ing & clos­ing cer­e­mo­ny, all podi­um, poster, and spe­cial ses­sions will take place at Rackham.

  • This is where atten­dees can expect most of the con­fer­ence content.
  • 4th Floor, Rack­ham Grad­u­ate School
    915 E Wash­ing­ton St
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA

For the con­fer­ence at the main venue Rack­ham Grad­u­ate School from Mon­day, July 15 through Wednes­day, July 17, pub­lic park­ing is avail­able on areas below.

a. Lib­er­ty Square Park­ing (~5min walk to Rackham)
510 E Wash­ing­ton St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

b. May­nard Struc­ture (~8min walk to Rackham)
324 May­nard St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Please note that E Wash­ing­ton St in front of the Rack­ham Grad­u­ate School will be closed to vehi­cle traf­fic start­ing Tues­day, July 16 onwards due to the Ann Arbor Arts Fair that takes place July 18–20, 2024.

They will begin clos­ing streets on Tues­day, July 16 to begin their set­up. Here is a map that shows the street clo­sures for the Art Fair set­up around the University.

2 Welcome dinner: Michigan League

  • Michi­gan Leagure will be the loca­tion for the wel­come din­ner on Mon­day (July 15)

  • Mci­ty is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed adja­cent to the Rack­ham build­ing, just a 4‑minute walk away.

  • Ball­room, Michi­gan League
    911 N Uni­ver­si­ty Ave
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA

3 Pre-conf venue 1: UMTRI

  • This venue will host pre-con­fer­ence work­shops and IAC meet­ing (July 14).

  • UMTRI stands for Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Trans­porta­tion Research Insti­tute.

  • Room 139, UMTRI
    2901 Bax­ter Rd
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA

For the pre-con­fer­ence events on Sun­day, July 14, com­pli­men­ta­ry park­ing is avail­able near UMTRI and Mci­ty. You can eas­i­ly locate these areas on the map below.

4 Pre-conf venue 2: Mcity

  • Mci­ty will be the loca­tion for the wel­come recep­tion and Mci­ty demon­stra­tion (July 14)

  • Mci­ty is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed adja­cent to the UMTRI build­ing, just a 7‑minute walk away.
  • Mci­ty
    2905 Bax­ter Rd
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA

5 Conference banquet: Henry Ford Museum

  • This venue will host the con­fer­ence ban­quet on Tue­day evening (July 16).

  • Shut­tle ser­vice to and from the ban­quet is provided.

  • Muse­um Plaza, Hen­ry Ford Museum
    20900 Oak­wood Blvd
    Dear­born, MI 48124 USA

The bus pick­up spot is now at Fletch­er St & E Wash­ing­ton St, to the left of the front of the Rack­ham Grad­u­ate School.