Conference program

The 25th Inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­sium on Trans­porta­tion and Traf­fic The­o­ry (ISTTT25) is sched­uled for July 15–17, 2024, in Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, Unit­ed States. The con­fer­ence pro­gram pro­vides detailed sched­ules for work­shops, tech­ni­cal ses­sions, and activ­i­ties. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to this pre­mier gath­er­ing in Ann Arbor, and we’re excit­ed about the inspir­ing dis­cus­sions that will take place!

Program outline

The pro­gram out­line pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive struc­ture for the con­fer­ence, detail­ing top­ics, dates, times, and loca­tions for var­i­ous ses­sions, along with any spe­cial events. All podi­um and poster ses­sions will be host­ed at Rack­ham Grad­u­ate School, while oth­er event loca­tions will be spec­i­fied separately.

Pre­sen­ters, please refer to this link for pre­sen­ta­tion instructions.

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7:30–8:00 AM


8:00–8:30 AM

Open­ing Remarks

Podium Session 5

#Advanced Traf­fic Control

8:30–10:00 AM

Podium Session 1

#Emerg­ing Mobil­i­ty Sys­tems I

Podium Session 8

#Emerg­ing Mobil­i­ty Sys­tems II

10:00–10:20 AM

Cof­fee Break

10:20–11:50 AM

Podium Session 2

#Curb­side Space Management

Podium Session 6

#Rout­ing and Equi­lib­ri­um in Traf­fic Networks

Podium Session 9

#Traf­fic Flow Theory

11:50 AM–12:20 PM

Group Pho­to & Lunch

12:20–1:00 PM


11:00–1:10 PM

Podium Session 3

#Dynam­ics and Safe­ty Impli­ca­tions in Auto­mat­ed Vehi­cle Systems

1:10–1:30 PM

Podium Session 7

#Inno­va­tions in Trans­porta­tion Modeling

Podium Session 10

#AI and Machine Learn­ing Inno­va­tions in Traf­fic and Mobil­i­ty Analysis

1:30–2:30 PM

Pre-Conference Workshop

& Con­fer­ence Registration

2:30–3:00 PM

Lightning Talks for Posters: Session 1

3:00–3:10 PM

3:10–3:30 PM

Poster Session 1

(Cof­fee Break)
Cof­fee Break

3:30–4:00 PM

Special Session 2

#Paving the Way: Future Direc­tions for Over­com­ing Barriers

Special Session 3

#From Insight to Action: Strate­gies for Future

4:00–4:30 PM

Podium Session 4

#Inno­va­tions in Tran­sit Design and Optimization

Lightning Talks for Posters: Session 2

4:30–4:40 PM

Clos­ing Remarks by 5:00 PM

4:40–5:00 PM

Poster Session 2

5:00–5:30 PM

Wel­come Recep­tion & Mci­ty Demonstration

5:30–6:00 PM

Special Session 1

#Uncov­er­ing Open Chal­lenges in Trans­porta­tion Research
Con­fer­ence Banquet
@Henry Ford Museum

6:00–7:00 PM

Wel­come Dinner
@Michigan League

7:00–9:00 PM

Inter­na­tion­al Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee Meet­ing (Invi­ta­tion Only)
(Din­ner served at 6:30 PM)

9:00–9:30 PM


The agen­da offers a com­pre­hen­sive view of each ses­sion, detail­ing the infor­ma­tion of every presentation.

↤ Swipe left to view more


July 14


After­noon1:00–5:00 PMReg­is­tra­tionUMTRI
1:30–3:00 PM


#Future of Urban Mobility
Mod­er­a­tor: Sina Bahrami

New Entrants in the Air­space: Han­dling Uncer­tain­ty and User Privacy
— Max Li

Enhanc­ing Mobil­i­ty: The Role of Peer-to-Peer Sys­tems in Mod­ern Transportation
— Neda Masoud

Chal­lenges and Pol­i­cy Trends for Future Urban Pub­lic Trans­port Service
— Avishai Ceder
3:00–3:30 PMCof­fee break
3:30–5:00 PM


#Equi­ty and Effi­cien­cy in Trans­porta­tion: Com­pet­ing or Com­ple­ment­ing Goals?
Mod­er­a­tor: Ali Zockaie

Is Fare Free Tran­sit Just? Quan­ti­fy­ing the Impact of Moral Prin­ci­ples on Tran­sit Design and Finance
— Yu (Mar­co) Nie

Bal­anc­ing Effi­cien­cy and Fair­ness in Traf­fic Man­age­ment and Control
— Lina Kattan

The Equi­ty-Effi­cien­cy Trade-off in Trans­porta­tion: Ana­lyz­ing the Opti­mal Joint Pric­ing and Resource Allo­ca­tion Strate­gies under Equi­ty Constraints
— Sisi Jian
5:00–7:00 PMWel­come Recep­tion & Mci­ty DemonstrationMci­ty
Evening7:00–9:00 PMInter­na­tion­al Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee Meet­ing (Invi­ta­tion Only)
(Din­ner served at 6:30 PM)

July 15


Morn­ing7:30–8:00 AMReg­is­tra­tionRack­ham Grad­u­ate School
8:00–8:30 AMOpen­ing Remarks
8:30–10:00 AM


#Emerg­ing Mobil­i­ty Sys­tems I
Mod­er­a­tor: Hani S. Mahmassani

Alle­vi­at­ing Bus Bunch­ing via Mod­u­lar Vehicles
— Yuhao Liu, Zhib­in Chen, Xiaolei Wang

A Seam­less Bus Net­work with­out Exter­nal Trans­fers Using Autonomous Mod­u­lar Vehicles
— Zaid Saeed Khan, Móni­ca Menéndez

An Autonomous Mod­u­lar Pub­lic Tran­sit Service
— Xi Cheng, Yu (Mar­co) Nie, Jane Lin
10:00–10:20 AMCof­fee break
10:20–11:50 AM


#Curb­side Space Management
Mod­er­a­tor: Niko­las Geroliminis

Mod­el­ing Mul­ti-Modal Curb­side Usage in Dynam­ic Networks
— Jiachao Liu, Sean Qian

Dynam­ic Usage Allo­ca­tion and Pric­ing for Curb­side Space Operation
— Jisoon Lim, Neda Masoud

Eco­nom­ic Analy­sis of On-Street Park­ing with Urban Delivery
— Zhengt­ian Xu, Xiao­tong Sun 
After­noon11:50 AM‑1:00 PMGroup Pho­to & Lunch
1:00–2:30 PM


#Dynam­ics and Safe­ty Impli­ca­tions in Auto­mat­ed Vehi­cle Systems
Mod­er­a­tor: Michael J. Cassidy

Destroy­ing Phan­tom Jams with Con­nec­tiv­i­ty and Automa­tion: Non­lin­ear Dynam­ics and Con­trol of Mixed Traffic
— Tamas G. Mol­nar, Gábor Orosz

Dis­tur­bances and Safe­ty Analy­sis of Lin­ear Adap­tive Cruise Con­trol for Cut-in Sce­nar­ios: A The­o­ret­i­cal Framework
— Zihao Li, Yang Zhou, Dan­jue Chen, Yun­long Zhang

On Dynam­ic Fun­da­men­tal Dia­grams: Impli­ca­tions for Auto­mat­ed Vehicles
— Jiwan Jiang, Yang Zhou, Xin Wang, Soy­oung (Sue) Ahn
2:30–3:10 PM


Com­bin­ing Time Depen­den­cy and Behav­ioral Game: A Deep Markov Cog­ni­tive Hier­ar­chy Mod­el for Human-Like Dis­cre­tionary Lane Chang­ing Modeling
— Kehua Chen, Meix­in Zhu, Lijun Sun, Hai Yang

Sta­bil­i­ty Analy­sis of a Depar­ture Time Choice Prob­lem with Atom­ic Vehi­cle Models
— Koki Sat­sukawa, Ken­taro Wada, Taka­masa Iryo

Mod­el­ing Resid­ual-Vehi­cle Effects in Under­sat­u­ra­tion Con­di­tions on Uncer­tain­ty Esti­ma­tion of the Con­nect­ed Vehi­cle Pen­e­tra­tion Rate
— Shaocheng Jia, S.C. Wong, Wai Wong

A Topo­log­i­cal Net­work Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Design Prob­lem Based on Spec­tral Analysis
— Shoichi­ro Nakaya­ma, Shun-ichi Kobayashi, Hiromichi Yamaguchi

Opti­miz­ing OD-Based Up-Front Dis­count­ing Strate­gies for Enroute Ride­pool­ing Services
— Siy­ing Wang, Xiaolei Wang, Chen Yang, Wei Liu, Xiaon­ing Zhang

Two-Step Qua­drat­ic Pro­gram­ming for Phys­i­cal­ly Mean­ing­ful Smooth­ing of Lon­gi­tu­di­nal Vehi­cle Trajectories
— Ximeng Fan, Wen-Long Jin, Peng­hang Yin

A Two-Sided Equi­lib­ri­um Mod­el of Vehi­cle-To-Vehi­cle Charg­ing Platform
— Xuekai Cen, Kanghui Ren, Enoch Lee, Hong Lo

Tran­sit Fares Inte­grat­ing Alter­na­tive Modes as a Delay Insurance
— Yihe Zhou, Wen­zhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker

Physics-Informed Machine Learn­ing for Cal­i­brat­ing Macro­scop­ic Traf­fic Flow Models
— Yu Tang, Li Jin, Kaan Ozbay

Devel­op­ing Pla­toon­ing Sys­tems of Con­nect­ed and Auto­mat­ed Vehi­cles with Guar­an­teed Sta­bil­i­ty and Robust­ness against Degra­da­tion due to Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Disruption
— Yuan Zheng, Yu Zhang, Xu Qu, Shen Li, Bin Ran

Data Dri­ven Ori­gin-Des­ti­na­tion Matrix Esti­ma­tion on Large Net­works — A Joint Ori­gin-Des­ti­na­tion-Path-Choice Formulation
— Yumin Cao, Hans van Lint, Pan­chamy Krish­naku­mari, Michiel Bliemer

Opti­mal Oper­a­tion Strate­gies of an Urban Crowd­ship­ping Plat­form in Asset-Light, Asset-Medi­um, or Asset-Heavy Busi­ness Format
— Zhuoye Zhang, Fang­ni Zhang
3:10–4:00 PM


(Cof­fee Break)
4:00–5:30 PM


#Inno­va­tions in Tran­sit Design and Optimization
Mod­er­a­tor: Avishai Ceder

Bus Stop Spac­ing with Het­ero­ge­neous Trip Lengths and Elas­tic Demand
— Ayush Pandey, Lewis J. Lehe

Redesign­ing Large-Scale Mul­ti­modal Tran­sit Net­works with Shared Autonomous Mobil­i­ty Services
— Max T.M. Ng, Hani S. Mah­mas­sani, Ömer Ver­bas, Tan­er Cokyasar, Roman Engelhardt

Design of Mixed Fixed-Flex­i­ble Bus Pub­lic Trans­port Net­works by Track­ing the Paths of On-Demand Vehicles
— Andrés Fiel­baum, Javier Alonso-Mora
5:30–6:00 PM


#Uncov­er­ing Open Chal­lenges in Trans­porta­tion Research
Mod­er­a­tor: Yueyue Fan, Jeff Ban
Evening6:00–9:00 PMWel­come DinnerMichi­gan League

July 16


Morn­ing7:30–8:00 AMReg­is­tra­tionRack­ham Grad­u­ate School
8:00–10:00 AM


#Advanced Traf­fic Control
Mod­er­a­tor: Ben­jamin Heydecker

Hyper­con­ges­tion, Autonomous Vehi­cle, and Urban Spa­tial Structure
— Takao Dantsu­ji, Yuki Takayama 

How and When Cor­don Meter­ing Can Reduce Trav­el Times
— Jean Doig, Car­los F. Dagan­zo, Michael J. Cassidy 

N‑MP: A Net­work-State-Based Max Pres­sure Algo­rithm Incor­po­rat­ing Region­al Perime­ter Control
— Hao Liu, Vikash V. Gayah 

Inte­grat­ed Depar­ture and Bound­ary Con­trol for Low-Alti­tude Air City Trans­port Systems
— Yazan Safa­di, Niko­las Geroli­m­in­is, Jack Haddad 
10:00–10:20 AMCof­fee break
10:20 AM-12:20 PM


#Rout­ing and Equi­lib­ri­um in Traf­fic Networks
Mod­er­a­tor: William H. K. Lam

A Gen­er­al­ized Ratio­nal­ly Inat­ten­tive Route Choice Mod­el with Non-uni­form Mar­gin­al Infor­ma­tion Costs
— Bo Zhou, Ronghui Liu

Markov Game for CV Joint Adap­tive Rout­ing in Sto­chas­tic Traf­fic Net­works: A Scal­able Learn­ing Approach
— Shan Yang, Yang Liu

Esti­mat­ing Markov Chain Mix­ing Times: Con­ver­gence Rate Towards Equi­lib­ri­um of a Sto­chas­tic Process Traf­fic Assign­ment Model
— Taka­masa Iryo, David Watling, Mar­tin Hazelton

A Day-to-Day Dynam­i­cal Approach to the Most Like­ly User Equi­lib­ri­um Problem
— Jiayang Li, Qian­ni Wang, Liyang Feng, Jun Xie, Yu (Mar­co) Nie
After­noon12:20–1:10 PMLunch
1:10–3:10 PM


#Inno­va­tions in Trans­porta­tion Modeling
Mod­er­a­tor: Michael Bell

Reli­a­bil­i­ty Pre­mi­um: A Uni­fied Con­cep­tu­al Frame­work for the Cost of Trav­el Time Variability
— Zhao­qi Zang, Richard Bat­ley, David Z.W. Wang, Hong K. Lo

A Para­dox of Telecom­mut­ing and Stag­gered Work Hours in the Bot­tle­neck Model
— Takara Sakai, Takashi Aka­mat­su, Koki Satsukawa

Col­lec­tive Depar­ture Time Allo­ca­tion in Large-Scale Urban Net­works: A Flex­i­ble Mod­el­ing Frame­work with Trip Length and Desired Arrival Time Distributions
— Mostafa Ameli, Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Negin Alisoltani, Ludovic Leclercq

A Nov­el Mobil­i­ty Con­sump­tion The­o­ry for Road User Charging
— Michiel C.J. Bliemer, Allis­ter Loder, Zuduo Zheng
3:10–3:30 PMCof­fee Break
3:30–4:00 PM


#Paving the Way: Future Direc­tions for Over­com­ing Barriers
Mod­er­a­tor: Yueyue Fan, Jeff Ban
4:00–4:40 PM


Mod­el­ing an On-Demand Meal Deliv­ery Sys­tem with Human Couri­ers and Autonomous Vehi­cles in a Spa­tial Market
— Anke Ye, Kenan Zhang, Michael G.H. Bell, Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Simon Hu

Mobil­i­ty Ser­vice Providers’ Inter­act­ing Strate­gies under Mul­ti-Modal Equilibrium
— Clau­dia Bandiera, Richard D. Con­nors, Francesco Viti

Plan­ning Ser­vice Pro­to­cols for Extra-Long Trains with Transfers
— Jesus Oso­rio, Shiyu Shen, Yan­feng Ouyang

Net­work Macro­scop­ic Fun­da­men­tal Dia­gram-Informed Graph Learn­ing Method for Traf­fic State Imputation
— Jiawei Xue, Eun­han Ka, Yiheng Feng, Satish V. Ukkusuri

Dis­tri­b­u­tion­al­ly Robust Ori­gin Des­ti­na­tion Demand Estimation
— Jingx­ing Wang, Jun Song, Chaoyue Zhao, Xue­gang (Jeff) Ban

Offline Plan­ning and Online Oper­a­tion of Zon­al-Based Flex­i­ble Bus Ser­vice under Demand Uncer­tain­ties and Dynam­ic Cancellations
— Manzi Li, Enoch Lee, Hong K. Lo

Bridg­ing the Gap between Micro-Eco­nom­ics and Micro-Mobil­i­ty: A Two-Dimen­sion­al Risk-Based Micro­scop­ic Mod­el of Pedes­tri­ans’ and Bicy­clists’ Oper­a­tional Behaviors
— Mohaimin­ul Haque, Samer Ham­dar, Alireza Talebpour

Esti­ma­tion of Sched­ule Pref­er­ence and Crowd­ing Per­cep­tion in Urban Rail Cor­ri­dor Com­mut­ing: An Inverse Opti­miza­tion Method
— Pu Xu, Tian-Liang Liu, Qiong Tian, Bingfeng Si, Wei Liu, Hai-Jun Huang

Pro­vid­ing Real-Time En-Route Sug­ges­tions to CAVs for Con­ges­tion Mit­i­ga­tion: A Two-Way Deep Rein­force­ment Learn­ing Approach
— Xiaoyu Ma, Xiaozheng (Sean) He

Sen­sor Place­ment Con­sid­er­ing the Observ­abil­i­ty of Traf­fic Dynam­ics: On the Alge­bra­ic and Graph­i­cal Perspectives
— Xinyue Hu, Yueyue Fan

Ker­nel-Based Plan­ning and Imi­ta­tion Learn­ing Con­trol for Flow Smooth­ing in Mixed Auton­o­my Traffic
— Zhe Fu, Arwa Alan­qary, Abdul Rah­man Krei­dieh, Alexan­dre M. Bayen

Sim­u­la­tion-Based Robust and Adap­tive Opti­miza­tion Method for Het­eroscedas­tic Trans­porta­tion Problems
— Ziyuan Gu, Yifan Li, Meead Saberi, Zhiyuan Liu
4:40–5:30 PM


Evening5:30–10:00 PMCon­fer­ence BanquetHen­ry Ford Museum

July 17


Morn­ing8:00–8:30 AMReg­is­tra­tionRack­ham Grad­u­ate School
8:30–10:00 AM


#Emerg­ing Mobil­i­ty Sys­tems II
Mod­er­a­tor: Hai Yang

Design an Inter­me­di­ary Mobil­i­ty-As-A-Ser­vice (MaaS) Plat­form Using Many-To-Many Sta­ble Match­ing Framework
— Rui Yao, Kenan Zhang

A Hier­ar­chi­cal Con­trol Frame­work for Vehi­cle Repo­si­tion­ing in Ride-Hail­ing Systems
— Caio Vitor Beo­jone, Peng­bo Zhu, Isik Ilber Sir­matelb, Niko­las Geroliminis

On-Demand Meal Deliv­ery: A Markov Mod­el for Cir­cu­lat­ing Couriers
— Michael G H Bell, Dat Tien Le, Jyotir­moy­ee Bhat­tachar­jya, Glenn Geers
10:00–10:20 AMCof­fee break
10:20 AM-12:20 PM


#Traf­fic Flow Theory
Mod­er­a­tor: Ludovic Leclercq

Micro­scop­ic Dis­con­ti­nu­ities Dis­rupt­ing Hydro­dy­nam­ic and Con­tin­u­um Traf­fic Flow Models
— Ben­jamin Coifman

A Game-The­o­ret­ic Frame­work for Gener­ic Sec­ond Order Traf­fic Flow Using Mean Field Games and Adver­sar­i­al Inverse Rein­force­ment Learning
— Zhaobin Mo, Xu Chen, Xuan Di, Elisa Iaco­mi­ni, Chiara Segala, Michael Her­ty, Math­ieu Lauriere

Pri­or­i­ty Queue For­mu­la­tion of Agent-Based Bath­tub Mod­el for Net­work Trip Flows in the Rel­a­tive Space
— Irene Martínez, Wen­long Jin

Data Poi­son­ing Attacks on Traf­fic State Esti­ma­tion and Prediction
— Fei­long Wang, Xin Wang, Yuan Hong, R. Tyrrell Rock­afel­larc, Jeff Ban
After­noon12:20–1:10 PMLunch
1:10–3:10 PM


#AI and Machine Learn­ing Inno­va­tions in Traf­fic and Mobil­i­ty Analysis
Mod­er­a­tor: Masao Kuwahara

Pri­va­cy-Pre­serv­ing Data Fusion for Traf­fic State Esti­ma­tion: A Ver­ti­cal Fed­er­at­ed Learn­ing Approach
— Qiqing Wang, Kai­di Yang 

Impli­ca­tions of Stop-and-Go Traf­fic on Train­ing Learn­ing-Based Car-Fol­low­ing Control
— Anye Zhou, Srini­vas Pee­ta, Hao Zhou, Jorge Laval, Zejiang Wang, Adi­an Cook

Cal­i­brat­ing Car-Fol­low­ing Mod­els via Bayesian Dynam­ic Regression
— Chengyuan Zhang, Wen­shuo Wang, Lijun Sun

Uncov­er­ing Physics-Reg­u­lar­ized Data Gen­er­a­tion Process­es for Indi­vid­ual Human Mobil­i­ty: A Mul­ti-Task Gauss­ian Process Approach Based on Mul­ti­ple Ker­nel Learning
— Ekin Uğurel, Shuai Huang, Cyn­thia Chen
3:10–3:30 PMCof­fee Break
3:30–4:30 PM


#From Insight to Action: Strate­gies for Future
Mod­er­a­tor: Yueyue Fan, Jeff Ban
4:30–5:00 PMClos­ing Remarks