Instructions for presenters

For podi­um and poster pre­sen­ters, please pay close atten­tion to the fol­low­ing instruc­tions, as they con­tain cru­cial details about your par­tic­i­pa­tion in ISTTT25:

Podium presentation

Each podi­um pre­sen­ta­tion will con­sist of a 20-minute talk fol­lowed by a 10-minute Q&A ses­sion. Please pre­pare your pre­sen­ta­tion accord­ing­ly and send the pre­sen­ta­tion slides as per the instruc­tion of “Pre­sen­ta­tion Slides.”

Fol­low­ing ISTTT tra­di­tion, we encour­age senior authors of the papers to make the podi­um presentations.

Poster presentation

Poster pre­sen­ters are respon­si­ble for print­ing their posters and bring­ing them to the poster ses­sions. Each poster must mea­sure 48×36 inch­es (121.9×91.4cm, hor­i­zon­tal) to ensure it fits on the pro­vid­ed poster boards. A basic poster tem­plate below is pro­vid­ed for adop­tion (option­al). Push pins will be pro­vid­ed on-site for mount­ing posters.

As a new ini­tia­tive for ISTTT25, each poster pre­sen­ter is invit­ed to deliv­er a 2‑minute light­ning talk in addi­tion to the stan­dard poster pre­sen­ta­tion. These light­ning talks, which pre­cede the poster ses­sions, are designed to con­cise­ly high­light the big pic­tures and key take­aways of your research. Each pre­sen­ta­tion is strict­ly lim­it­ed to 2 min­utes. Please make sure your slides for the light­ning talk are sub­mit­ted to the con­fer­ence orga­niz­ing team fol­low­ing the guide­lines below.

Presentation slides

All pre­sen­ta­tion slides are due by July 10, 2024, COB at 5:00 PM (US EST). Please email your slides to before the dead­line to allow ade­quate time for load­ing your slides onto the con­fer­ence computer.

In the email, please put the sub­ject as ISTTT25 Presentation Slides - Title of Your Paper, and name your attached slides with the for­mat Session Number_Title of Your Paper_Speaker Name, e.g., Podium Session 1_ISTTT25 Conference Program_Horace Rackham or Lightning Session 2_ISTTT25 Conference Program_Horace Rackham. The ses­sion num­ber can be found in the Program.