Poster Session 1: Stability Analysis of a Departure Time Choice Problem with Atomic Vehicle Models

Title: Stability Analysis of a Departure Time Choice Problem with Atomic Vehicle Models
Authors: Koki Satsukawa, Kentaro Wada, Takamasa Iryo
Abstract: In this study, we analyse the global stability of the equilibrium in a departure time choice problem using a game-theoretic approach that deals with atomic users. We first formulate the departure time choice problem as a strategic game in which atomic users select departure times to minimise their trip cost; we call this game the ‘departure time ch...
Keywords: Convergence/stability; Departure time choice problem; Evolutionary dynamics; Epsilon-Nash equilibrium; Atomic users

By |2024-07-30T15:35:01-04:00June 17, 2024||0 Comments

Poster Session 1: Combining Time Dependency and Behavioral Game: A Deep Markov Cognitive Hierarchy Model for Human-Like Discretionary Lane Changing Modeling

Title: Combining Time Dependency and Behavioral Game: A Deep Markov Cognitive Hierarchy Model for Human-Like Discretionary Lane Changing Modeling
Authors: Kehua Chen, Meixin Zhu, Lijun Sun, Hai Yang
Abstract: Human drivers take discretionary lane changes when the target lane is perceived to offer better traffic conditions. Improper discretionary lane changes, however, lead to traffic congestion or even crashes. Considering its significant impact on traffic flow efficiency and safety, accurate modeling and prediction of discretionary lane-changing (LC) b...
Keywords: Discretionary lane changing; Game theory; Hidden markov model; Cognitive hierarchy

By |2024-07-30T15:34:59-04:00June 17, 2024||0 Comments
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