Tara has been award­ed the nation­al Jacobs Trans­porta­tion Schol­ar­ship, and Gar­ret A. Mor­gan Trans­porta­tion Achieve­ment Schol­ar­ship, by the Con­fer­ence of Minor­i­ty Trans­porta­tion Offi­cials (COMTO). As an award recip­i­ent, she is invit­ed to attend the 51st Nation­al Meet­ing & Train­ing Con­fer­ence in Flori­da with the trav­el spon­sor­ship from Jacobs Trans­porta­tion Incor­po­ra­tion. Tara’s vision is to improve the acces­si­bil­i­ty to oppor­tu­ni­ties for under­priv­i­leged com­mu­ni­ties via con­duct­ing applic­a­ble research, teach­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of stu­dents, and pro­vid­ing ser­vice to the com­mu­ni­ty as a K‑12 out­reach offi­cer at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michigan.