Mitigating the Toxic Remnants of the Berkeley Pit Mine

Detroit's I-375 has received initial funding towards replacing the freeway with a boulevard to provide safer transportation and increased community support. The I-375 has had historical impacts on downtown Detroit with its construction in the 1950s and 1960s resulting in demolishing predominantly black communities. This proposal led by the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit aims to repair the community, but some have concerns if DEI issues will be effectively addressed.

NEOM’s Shadow: The Dispossession of the Huwaitat People

In order to alleviate the traffic pressure of the Bosphorus Canal, reduce the potential risks of ships loaded with dangerous materials, and promote the country’s economic development, Istanbul Canal will be built connecting Marama Sea and the Black Sea. However this project will cause insecurity for Russia, upset environmental stability, pollute freshwater resources and deplete land for people's living.

Mega Dam on Great Bend in China

In 2022, Power Construction Corporation of China (Powerchina) announced its plan to build a mega dam along Yarlung Tsangpo River (Brahmaputra River). The dam is estimated to have 3 times the power generation as the Three Gorges Dam but it also goes along with many conerns like damage to ecosystem, future flood potential and geopolitics conflicts etc.

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