2021 Texas Power Grid Failure – a preventable disaster

In 2021, Winter Storm Uri brought record-breaking low temperatures to the people of Texas, overwhelming the under-designed Texas power grid. 4.5 million homes and businesses lost power, over $16 billion in electricity costs were overcharged, and over 240 people died due to freezing temperatures and complications from the storm. This case study discusses what went wrong that causes the lights to go out, including a summary of the key players responsible for the disaster.

1,4‑Dioxane Groundwater Pollution Plume in Ann Arbor and Scio Township

After improper disposal of 1,4-dioxane at a manufacturing plant outside of Ann Arbor, MI a three square mile groundwater plume has slowly spread throughout Scio Township and Western Ann Arbor. Almost 40-years after its discovery this harmful chemical has closed over 100 residential wells and threatens drinking water infrastructure in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas.

Human Robotic Collaboration as a Means for Improving Accessibility in Construction

The construction industry in the United States relies significantly on the labor and expertise of immigrant workers, particularly undocumented individuals. These workers are desperately needed to fill the 500,000-worker shortage in construction, yet they face severe challenges of economic exploitation, increased safety hazards, and a hostile political atmosphere.

2024-12-27T18:44:21+00:00May 28, 2024|Categories: Case Summary|Tags: |0 Comments

The perils of Undocumented Construction Workers in the United States

The construction industry in the United States relies significantly on the labor and expertise of immigrant workers, particularly undocumented individuals. These workers are desperately needed to fill the 500,000-worker shortage in construction, yet they face severe challenges of economic exploitation, increased safety hazards, and a hostile political atmosphere.

2024-12-27T18:47:55+00:00May 28, 2024|Categories: Case Summary|Tags: |0 Comments

Mitigating the Toxic Remnants of the Berkeley Pit Mine

The Berkeley Pit in Butte, Montana is a former open-pit copper mine that has transitioned from an engine of economic prosperity to a site of environmental and humanitarian concern due to its transformation into a toxic lake following the closure of mining operations. The Berkeley Pit illustrates the pressing need for sustainable mining practices and robust post-mining strategies to address environmental degradation and pollutant exposure to local communities.

Neglect to Renewal: Addressing Environmental Injustice through Infrastructure Revitalization in Mount Vernon, NY

Residents of Mount Vernon, New York, predominantly from minority backgrounds, have suffered for decades under a failing wastewater infrastructure that is now being addressed with a significant $150 million investment plan. Chronic sewage backups have created a perpetual state of environmental injustice, adversely impacting the health and quality of life of the community. This long-awaited intervention, championed by Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard, represents a pivotal move towards restoring public health, environmental quality, and social equity in Mount Vernon.

Detroit’s Far West Neighborhood Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrade

Detroit is undertaking a $40 million stormwater management endeavor in the Far West neighborhood and Rouge Park. The project includes the creation of two new detention basins and major sewer system upgrades aimed at reducing flood risk for 1,200 homes, minimizing the number of CSO events in the Rouge River, improving local water quality, and enhancing recreational spaces.

Trump Wall – US. Mexico Border

The Trump Wall is an expansion of the Mexico-United States Barrier, built for inhibiting illegal crossing of migrants from South America. The discontinuous wall stretches more than 450 miles on the continent, separating two countries with natural borders and virtual fence. However, not do whether the wall border actually reduce illegal migration is under question, but also there are other concerns with illegal drug trade, environmental influence, private property and the deported immigrants life.

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