Conference Sessions

Abdul­la, Bahrul­la (1)
Ahamed, Tan­vir (1)
Ali, Rafaqat (1)
Alshu­rafa, Ahmed (1)
Ansari, Reza (1)
Axhausen, Kay (1)
Azeve­­do-Sa, Hebert (1)
Bal­ac, Milos (1)
Bal­lare, Sud­heer (1)
Bayen, Alexan­dre (1)
Bhat, Chan­dra (1)
Bramich, Daniel (1)
Bur­sa, Bar­tosz (1)
Cai, Xiaolin (1)
Calderon, Fran­cis­co (1)
Caros, Nicholas (1)
Chang, Yohan (1)
Chen, Rong­sheng (1)
Chen, Xiang­dong (1)
Daus, Matthew (1)
Dean, Matthew (1)
Dong, Jiqian (1)
Du, Lili (1)
Dug­gal, Mausam (1)
Eftekhar, Zahra (1)
Fakhrmoosavi, Fate­meh (1)
Fer­nan­do, Cel­so (1)
Fil­ipovs­ka, Moni­ka (2)
Flan­na­gan, Car­ol (1)
Fourati, Walid (1)
Geroli­m­in­is, Niko­las (1)
Gong, Feng­min (1)
Gong, Yun­hai (1)
Gopalakr­ish­nan, Ragaven­dran (1)
Guan, Xiangyang (2)
Guo, Hao (1)
Guo, Xiao­tong (1)
Guo, Yi (1)
Hale, David (1)
Hu, Zijian (1)
Jayara­man, Suresh Kumaar (1)
Kaneko, Noriko (1)
Kavia­n­ipour, Moham­madreza (1)
Kawasa­ki, Yosuke (1)
Ke, Jin­tao (2)
Kleiber, Mar­cel (1)
Kon­tou, Eleft­he­ria (1)
Koushik, Gun­takan­ti Sai (1)
Ladi­no, Andres (1)
Lee, Tony (Yoon-Dong) (1)
Levin, Michael (1)
Li, Ang (1)
Li, Can (1)
Li, Qian­wen (1)
Li, Xiaopeng (1)
Liu, Hen­ry (1)
Liu, Xiao­hui (1)
Liu, Zhao­cai (1)
Lorente, Ester (1)
Lou, Yingyan (2)
Luo, Zhix­iong (1)
Ma, Jiaqi (1)
Ma, Mingy­ou (1)
Mah­mas­sani, Hani (1)
Mar­tinez, Irene (1)
Miah, Md Mintu (1)
Miller, Eric (1)
Mintsis, Evan­ge­los (1)
Mirali­naghi, Moham­mad (1)
Moham­ma­di­an, Abol­fa­zl (Kouros) (1)
Mol­nar, Tamas (1)
Nakan­ishi, Wataru (1)
Nam, Daisik (1)
Okuhara, Rui (1)
Rahi­mi, Ehsan (1)
Ros-Roca, Xavier (1)
Sal­lard, Aurore (1)
Sayed, Md Abu (1)
Seo, Toru (1)
Shen, Hui (2)
Song, Zhanguo (1)
Su, Qida (1)
Tafreshi­an, Amirmah­di (1)
Tang, Xin­di (1)
Tay, Tim­o­thy (1)
Tian, Qiong (1)
Tsub­o­ta, Takahi­ro (1)
Ume­da, Shogo (1)
Vacek, Lukas (1)
Wang, Jingx­ing (1)
Wang, Mengx­in (1)
Wang, Shen­hao (1)
Wang, Yineng (1)
Wang, Yiyang (1)
Wei, Bangyang (1)
Xie, Tingt­ing (1)
Xu, Min (1)
Xu, Zhengt­ian (1)
Yan, Huimin (1)
Yang, Chen (1)
Yang, Di (1)
Yang, Hai (1)
Yang, Jie (1)
Zhang, Guo­qing (1)
Zhang, Ke (1)
Zhang, Kenan (1)
Zhang, Wen­wen (1)
Zheng, Zhengfei (1)
Zock­aie, Ali (1)

Keynote Session 7 — Kay Axhausen 

Title: Think­ing about the Long-Term Impacts of the Pan­dem­ic
Speak­er: Kay Axhausen
Abstract: The pan­dem­ic has accel­er­at­ed a num­ber of trends with a big impact on the trans­port sys­tem: work­ing from home and e‑commerce. The pre­sen­ta­tion will out­line the behav­iour­al changes observed in the last year using a sub­stan­tial Swiss GPS track­ing pan­el. Based on these changes it will dis­cuss, if these are enough to address the dilem­ma of trans­port plan­ning between acces­si­bil­i­ty improve­ments and induced demand, espe­cial­ly giv­en our duty to reduce GHG emissions.



Th‑1: Regular Session/Electrification — Lili Du 

Sub­mis­sion: A Com­mer­cial Charg­ing-as-a-Ser­vice Plat­form for Emerg­ing Mobile EV to EV Charg­ing Ser­vice
Pre­sen­ter: Lili Du
Authors: Jiahua Qiu (Uni­ver­si­ty of Flori­da); Lili Du (Uni­ver­si­ty of Florida)*

Th‑3: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Wenwen Zhang 

Sub­mis­sion: Machine Learn­ing Based Microsim­u­la­tion Approach for the Spa­tial Dis­tri­b­u­tions of Auto­mat­ed Vehi­cle Pref­er­ences
Pre­sen­ter: Wen­wen Zhang
Authors: Wen­wen Zhang (Vir­ginia Tech)*; Kai­di Wang (Vir­ginia Tech); Sicheng Wang (Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty); Zhiqiu Jiang (Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia); Andrew Mond­schein (Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia); Robert B. Noland (Rut­gers University)

Th‑4: Regular Session/Transportation Network Modeling — Noriko Kaneko 

Sub­mis­sion: Opti­mal Con­ges­tion Tolling Prob­lem under the Mar­kov­ian Traf­fic Equi­lib­ri­um
Pre­sen­ter: Noriko Kaneko
Authors: Noriko Kaneko (ex Tokyo Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy); Daisuke Fuku­da (Tokyo Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy)*; Qian Ge (South­west Jiao­tong University)

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Hui Shen 

Sub­mis­sion: Pre­lim­i­nary Inves­ti­ga­tion of Crowd-ship­ping with Real-world Data: A Case Study of Atlanta, GA
Pre­sen­ter: Hui Shen
Authors: Hui Shen (Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chica­go); Jane Lin (Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chicago)*

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Zahra Eftekhar 

Sub­mis­sion: Ker­nel-based Approach to Recon­struct Trav­el Diaries from GSM Records
Pre­sen­ter: Zahra Eftekhar
Authors: Zahra Eftekhar (TU Delft)*; Adam Pel (TU Delft); Hans van Lint (TU Delft)

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Mengxin Wang 

Sub­mis­sion: Urban Couri­er: Oper­a­tional Inno­va­tion and Data-Dri­ven Cov­er­age-and-Pric­ing
Pre­sen­ter: Mengx­in Wang
Authors: Mengx­in Wang (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley)*

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Walid Fourati 

Sub­mis­sion: Esti­mat­ing Fun­da­men­tal Dia­grams of Sig­nal­ized Links from Aggre­gat­ed Tra­jec­to­ries
Pre­sen­ter: Walid Fourati
Authors: Walid Fourati (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Braun­schweig)*; Aleks Tri­funovic (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Braun­schweig); Bern­hard Friedrich (Insti­tute of Trans­porta­tion and Urban Engi­neer­ing, TU Braunschweig)

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Ke Zhang 

Sub­mis­sion: A Mul­ti-Agent Rein­force­ment Learn­ing Frame­work for Mul­ti­ple Vehi­cle Rout­ing Prob­lems with Soft Time Win­dows
Pre­sen­ter: Ke Zhang
Authors: Ke Zhang (Tsinghua University)*

Th‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Takahiro Tsubota 

Sub­mis­sion: Deep Learn­ing Mod­el for Pre­dict­ing Traf­fic Acci­dent Risk on an Express­way
Pre­sen­ter: Takahi­ro Tsub­o­ta
Authors: Takahi­ro Tsub­o­ta (Ehime uni­ver­si­ty)*; Mamoru Shim­mizu (Ehime Uni­ver­si­ty); Toshio Yoshii (Ehime Uni­ver­si­ty); Hiro­to­shi Shi­rayana­gi (Ehime University)

Th‑6: Lightning Session/Shared Mobility — Irene Martinez 

Sub­mis­sion: Trip Length Dis­tri­b­u­tion of TNC Trips: Based on Empir­i­cal Data in Chica­go
Pre­sen­ter: Irene Mar­tinez
Authors: Irene Martínez (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine)*; Wen-Long Jin (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine)

Th‑6: Lightning Session/Shared Mobility — Yunhai Gong 

Sub­mis­sion: Explor­ing the Impact of Urban Built Envi­ron­ment on Land Use Diver­si­ty under Shared Autonomous Vehi­cles and Road Pric­ing
Pre­sen­ter: Yun­hai Gong
Authors: Yun­hai Gong (Dalian Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy); ZHONG WANG (Dalian Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy); Shengchuan Zhao (Dalian Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy); Shaopeng Zhong (Dalian Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology)*

Th‑6: Lightning Session/Shared Mobility — Matthew Dean 

Sub­mis­sion: Syn­er­gies between Repo­si­tion­ing and Charg­ing Strate­gies for Shared Autonomous Elec­tric Vehi­cle (SAEV) Fleets
Pre­sen­ter: Matthew Dean
Authors: Matthew D. Dean (Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin)*; Krish­na Murthy Guru­murthy (Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin); Felipe de Souza (Argonne Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry); Joshua Auld (Argonne Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry ); Kara Kock­el­man (Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin)

Th‑6: Lightning Session/Shared Mobility — Xiaotong Guo 

Sub­mis­sion: Robust Match­ing-Inte­grat­ed Vehi­cle Rebal­anc­ing in Ride-hail­ing Sys­tem with Uncer­tain Demand
Pre­sen­ter: Xiao­tong Guo
Authors: Xiao­tong Guo (MIT); Nicholas Caros (MIT); Jin­hua Zhao (MIT)*

Th‑6: Lightning Session/Shared Mobility — Hao Guo 

Sub­mis­sion: Opti­mal Assign­ment and Relo­ca­tion of Shared Autonomous Vehi­cles Con­sid­er­ing Mode Choic­es
Pre­sen­ter: Hao Guo
Authors: Yang Liu (Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Sin­ga­pore)*; Hao Guo (Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Sin­ga­pore); Yao Chen (Bei­jing Jiao­tong University)

Th‑1: Regular Session/Electrification — Eleftheria Kontou 

Sub­mis­sion: Alter­na­tive Fuel Vehi­cles Evac­u­a­tion Plan­ning: Mod­el­ing and Numer­i­cal Exper­i­ments
Pre­sen­ter: Eleft­he­ria Kon­tou
Authors: Denis­sa Pur­ba (Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Urbana-Cham­paign); Eleft­he­ria Kon­tou (Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Urbana-Cham­paign)*; Chrysafis Vogiatzis (Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Urbana-Champaign)

Th‑3: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Shenhao Wang 

Sub­mis­sion: The­o­ry-Based Resid­ual Neur­al Net­works: A Syn­er­gy of Dis­crete Choice Mod­els and Deep Neur­al Net­works
Pre­sen­ter: Shen­hao Wang
Authors: Shen­hao Wang (MIT)*; Baichuan Mo (MIT); Jin­hua Zhao (MIT)

Th‑1: Regular Session/Electrification — Mohammadreza Kavianipour 

Sub­mis­sion: Charg­ing Infra­struc­ture Plan­ning in Urban Net­works Con­sid­er­ing Detour and Queu­ing Delay
Pre­sen­ter: Moham­madreza Kavia­n­ipour
Authors: Moham­madreza Kavia­n­ipour (Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty); Fate­meh Fakhrmoosavi (Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty); Mehrnaz Ghama­mi (Mici­gan Satate Uni­ver­si­ty); Ali Zock­aie (Michi­gan State University)*

Th‑2: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Xiangdong Chen 

Sub­mis­sion: Rhyth­mic Con­trol at Inter­sec­tion: Con­cept and Prop­er­ties
Pre­sen­ter: Xiang­dong Chen
Authors: Xiang­dong Chen (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty); Meng Li (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty); Xi Lin (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty); Yafeng Yin (Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan); Fang He (Tsinghua University)*

Th‑3: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Reza Ansari 

Sub­mis­sion: Prop­a­ga­tion Pre­dic­tion in Urban Road Net­work Dur­ing Acci­dent
Pre­sen­ter: Reza Ansari
Authors: Reza Ansari Esfe (Uni­veristy of Cal­gary)*; Lina Kat­tan (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary); Moham­mad Ansari Esfeh (Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary)

Th‑4: Regular Session/Transportation Network Modeling — Daisik Nam 

Sub­mis­sion: A Mod­el for Sys­tem Opti­mum Dynam­ic Traf­fic Assign­ment with Min­i­mum-Envy Allo­ca­tions
Pre­sen­ter: Daisik Nam
Authors: Daisik Nam (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine)*; R. Jayakr­ish­nan (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine)

Th‑1: Regular Session/Electrification — Xindi Tang 

Sub­mis­sion: Online Oper­a­tions of Auto­mat­ed Elec­tric Taxi Fleets: An Advi­sor-stu­dent Rein­force­ment Learn­ing Frame­work
Pre­sen­ter: Xin­di Tang
Authors: Xin­di Tang (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty)*; Meng Li (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty); Xi Lin (Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty); Fang He (Tsinghua University)

Th‑2: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Andres Ladino 

Sub­mis­sion: Sys­tem Lev­el Impacts of V2I-Based Speed Con­trol Strate­gies: The SCOOP@F Project Deploy­ment Sce­nar­ios
Pre­sen­ter: Andres Ladi­no
Authors: Andres A. Ladi­no (Uni­ver­sité Gus­tave Eif­fel)*; Pierre-Antoine Laharotte (Uni­ver­sité Gus­tave Eif­fel); Nour-Eddin El Faouzi (Uni­ver­sité Gus­tave Eiffel)

Th‑3: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Can Li 

Sub­mis­sion: Prob­a­bilis­tic Pub­lic Trans­port Demand Esti­ma­tion with Graph Con­vo­lu­tion Neur­al Net­work
Pre­sen­ter: Can Li
Authors: Can Li (UNSW, Syd­ney)*; Lei Bai (UNSW, Syd­ney); Wei Liu (Uni­ver­si­ty of New South Wales); Lina Yao (UNSW, Syd­ney); Travis Waller (Uni­ver­si­ty of New South Wales)

Th‑4: Regular Session/Transportation Network Modeling — Tingting Xie 

Sub­mis­sion: Het­ero­ge­neous Infor­ma­tion Pro­vi­sion on Traf­fic Net­works with Com­pet­i­tive or Coop­er­a­tive Infor­ma­tion Providers
Pre­sen­ter: Tingt­ing Xie
Authors: Yang Liu (Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Sin­gapo)*; Tingt­ing Xie (Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Singapore)



Keynote Session 8 – Chandra Bhat 

Title: What Can We Learn about Trav­el and Safe­ty Impli­ca­tions from Par­tial­ly Auto­mat­ed Vehi­cle Use?
Speak­er: Chan­dra Bhat
Abstract: Inves­ti­gat­ing the poten­tial activ­i­ty-trav­el behav­ior impacts of ful­ly autonomous vehi­cles (des­ig­nat­ed as Lev­el 5 automa­tion on the Soci­ety of Auto­mo­tive Engi­neers or SAE scale) can only be under­tak­en today through stat­ed pref­er­ence or SP sur­veys (that is, ask­ing indi­vid­u­als how they may change their mobil­i­ty pat­terns in a hypo­thet­i­cal envi­ron­ment with a Lev­el 5 vehi­cle). But indi­vid­u­als may not be in a posi­tion to pro­vide appro­pri­ate respons­es when thrust into a hypo­thet­i­cal envi­ron­ment that is dif­fi­cult to con­jure up. In this regard, SAE Lev­el 1 fea­tures (such as adap­tive cruise con­trol or park­ing assist fea­tures) are in most new vehi­cles today, while many high­er-end vehi­cles today also achieve Lev­el 2 automa­tion (such as vehi­cles with adap­tive cruise con­trol, hands-free lane chang­ing, and self-park­ing). The avail­abil­i­ty and use of these vehi­cles today, albeit with low­er lev­els of automa­tion, can pro­vide impor­tant and reli­able insights on how trav­el pat­terns may change with advanc­ing tech­nol­o­gy. In this paper, we pro­pose to exam­ine poten­tial mobil­i­ty changes due to tech­nol­o­gy fea­tures that exist today in vehi­cles. Impor­tant­ly, while some ear­li­er stud­ies have exam­ined con­sumer accep­tance of exist­ing vehi­cle tech­nol­o­gy, we go beyond con­sumer accep­tance to also exam­ine how indi­vid­u­als with and with­out automa­tion fea­tures in their vehi­cles dif­fer in their annu­al vehi­cle miles of trav­el (VMT). Poten­tial impli­ca­tions for road­way safe­ty due to VMT changes are also discussed.