Conference Sessions
Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony
Keynote Session 1 — Hai Yang
Title: Smart Mobility Management in the Era of Smart Transportation
Speaker: Hai Yang
Abstract: The current revolutions of sharing, automation and electrification are reshaping the way we travel, with broad implications for future mobility management. While much uncertainty remains about how these disruptive technologies would exactly impact demand for future mobility and enhancement of transportation supply, it is clear that Innovative demand management is equally important as smart supply technology development in solving worsening traffic problems in big cities. In this talk, I will discuss the opportunities and challenges of smart mobility management in the era of smart transportation. Innovative ways of travel demand management are described, including tradable travel credit scheme for road congestion mitigation, revenue-preserving and Pareto-improving strategies for peak-hour transit demand management congestion, and a novel reward scheme integrated with surge pricing in a ride-sourcing market.
M‑1: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Milos Balac
Submission: Dynamic Demand Estimation for Single-Ride AMoD and Fleet Size Optimization for Pooled AMoD across the Globe
Presenter: Milos Balac
Authors: Milos Balac (IVT, ETHZ)*; Sebastian Hörl (IVT, ETHZ); Kay W. Axhausen (IVT, ETH)
M‑3: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Qida Su
Submission: On the Build-Operate-Transfer Projects of Automated Roadways
Presenter: Qida Su
Authors: Qida Su (Nanyang Technological University)*; David Z. W. Wang (Nanyang Technological University)
M‑2: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Francisco Calderon
Submission: On the Generality of Emerging Mobility Services’ Operational Processes
Presenter: Francisco Calderon
Authors: Francisco Calderón Peralvo (University of Toronto)*; Eric Miller (University of Toronto)
M‑4: Regular Session/Traffic Control and Management — Michael Levin
Submission: Max-Pressure Signal Control with Cyclical Phase Structure
Presenter: Michael Levin
Authors: Michael W. Levin (University of Minnesota)*
M‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Yohan Chang
Submission: SynTIS: Synthetic Traveler Information in Smart City
Presenter: Yohan Chang
Authors: Yohan Chang (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements)*
M‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Yosuke Kawasaki
Submission: Analysis of Features of the Routes Using Probe Trajectory Data
Presenter: Yosuke Kawasaki
Authors: Yosuke Kawasaki (Tohoku University)*; Shogo Umeda (Tohoku University); Masao Kuwahara (Tohoku University)
M‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Xavier Ros-Roca
Submission: A Data Driven Approach to Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation
Presenter: Xavier Ros-Roca
Authors: Xavier Ros-Roca (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC))*; Jaume Barceló (PTV Group); Lidia Montero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)); Guido Gentile (Sapienza Università di Roma); Klaus Nökel (PTV Group)
M‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Celso Fernando
Submission: A Factor Extraction Method using Deep Learning Technique on Traffic Accident Risk
Presenter: Celso Fernando
Authors: Celso Luis Fernando (Ehime University)*; Toshio Yoshii (Ehime University); Takahiro Tsubota (Ehime university); Hirotoshi Shirayanagi (Ehime University)
M‑5: Lightning Session/Data — Jintao Ke
Submission: Origin-Destination Demand Prediction Via Spatial-Temporal Multi-Graph CNN
Presenter: Jintao Ke
Authors: Siyuan Feng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Jintao Ke (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)*; Hai Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
M‑6: Lightning Session/Modeling, Simulation and Optimization — Marcel Kleiber
Submission: Simulating Traffic Dynamics Subject To Perceptional Errors
Presenter: Marcel Kleiber
Authors: Volker Berkhahn (Leibniz Universität Hannover); Marcel Kleiber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)*; Chris Timmermann (Leibniz Universität Hannover); Johannes Langner (Leibniz Universität Hannover); Stefan Weber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
M‑6: Lightning Session/Modeling, Simulation and Optimization — Jie Yang
Submission: Mechanism Design for Stochastic Dynamic Parking Resource Allocation
Presenter: Jie Yang
Authors: Jie Yang (Tsinghua University)*
M‑6: Lightning Session/Modeling, Simulation and Optimization — Yineng Wang
Submission: Online Operation Strategies for Automated Multistory Parking Facilities
Presenter: Yineng Wang
Authors: Yineng Wang (Lead Group, Tsinghua University)*
M‑6: Lightning Session/Modeling, Simulation and Optimization — Chen Yang
Submission: Simulation-Based Comparisons of Signalized and Signal-free Intersection Controls under Connected and Automated Environments
Presenter: Chen Yang
Authors: Chen Yang (Tsinghua University)*
M‑1: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Eric Miller
Submission: A Tour-Based Transit Station Auto Access-Egress Model
Presenter: Eric Miller
Authors: Eric Miller (University of Toronto)*; James Vaughan (University of Toronto)
M‑3: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Fatemeh Fakhrmoosavi
Submission: Incorporating a Mixed Fleet of Autonomous, Connected, and Human-Driven Vehicles into a Mesoscopic Simulation Tool Considering Network Capacity Variations with Heterogeneous Drivers
Presenter: Fatemeh Fakhrmoosavi
Authors: Fatemeh Fakhrmoosavi (Michigan State University); Ramin Saedi (Michigan State University); Ali Zockaie (Michigan State University)*; Alireza Talebpour (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
M‑2: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Xiaohui Liu
Submission: A Data-Driven Approach to Manage the Curbside Ride-Hailing Pick-ups and Drop-offs
Presenter: Xiaohui Liu
Authors: Xiaohui Liu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Lei Xu (Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data); Sean Qian (Carnegie Mellon University); Wei Ma (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
M‑4: Regular Session/Traffic Control and Management — Toru Seo
Submission: Evaluation of Large-Scale Complete Vehicle Trajectories Dataset on Two Kilometers Highway Segment for One Hour Duration: Zen Traffic Data
Presenter: Toru Seo
Authors: Toru Seo (The University of Tokyo)*; Yusuke Tago (Regional Futures Research Center); Norihito Shinkai (Regional Futures Research Center); Masakazu Nakanishi (Regional Futures Research Center); Jun Tanabe (Regional Futures Research Center); Daisuke Ushirogochi (Omron Social Solutions Co.,Ltd); Shota Kanamori (Omron Social Solutions Co.,Ltd); Atsushi Abe (Omron Social Solutions Co.,Ltd); Takashi Kodama (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited); Satoshi Yoshimura (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited); Masaaki Ishihara (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited); Wataru Nakanishi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
M‑1: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian
Submission: Complexity of Travel-Based Multitasking and Its Association to Latent Lifestyles
Presenter: Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian
Authors: Ali Shamshiripour (UIC)*; Ehsan Rahimi (UIC); Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian (UIC); Joshua Auld (Argonne National Laboratory )
M‑3: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Zhaocai Liu
Submission: Network User Equilibrium Problems with Infrastructure-Enabled Autonomy
Presenter: Zhaocai Liu
Authors: Zhaocai Liu (USU); Zhibin Chen (NYU Shanghai); Yi He (USU); Ziqi Song (USU)*
M‑2: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Bangyang Wei
Submission: Temporal Capacity Allocation and Tolling Schemes for Morning Commute with Carpooling
Presenter: Bangyang Wei
Authors: Bangyang Wei (University of New South Wales); Wei Liu (University of New South Wales)*; meead saberi (University of New South Wales); Fangni Zhang (UNSW Sydney); Travis Waller (University of New South Wales)
M‑4: Regular Session/Traffic Control and Management — Qiong Tian
Submission: Traffic Light Control Strategy Based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram
Presenter: Qiong Tian
Authors: Qiong Tian (Beihang University)*
M‑1: Regular Session/Behavior and Demand — Wataru Nakanishi
Submission: Application of Eigenvector Spatial Filtering to Travel Destination Choice Model: A Case Study of Municipality-Size Choice in Hokkaido Island, Japan
Presenter: Wataru Nakanishi
Authors: Wataru Nakanishi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)*; Hiromichi Yamaguchi (Kanazawa University)
M‑3: Regular Session/Implication of Automated Vehicles — Carol Flannagan
Submission: Urban Taxi vs Non-taxi Crashes: Implications for Automated Vehicles in the Rideshare Environment
Presenter: Carol Flannagan
Authors: Aditi Misra (University of Michigan)*; Andrew Leslie (University of Michigan); Carol Flannagan (University of Michigan, Transport Research Institute)
M‑2: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Zhengfei Zheng
Submission: The Critical Passenger Mass for Achieving a Societally Beneficial Ride-Splitting Program
Presenter: Zhengfei Zheng
Authors: Jintao Ke (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)*; Hai Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Zhengfei Zheng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
M‑4: Regular Session/Traffic Control and Management — Monika Filipovska
Submission: A Priori and Adaptive Reliable Routing in Stochastic Dynamic Networks with Correlations
Presenter: Monika Filipovska
Authors: Monika Filipovska (Northwestern University); Hani S. Mahmassani (Northwestern University)*
Keynote Session 2 — Hani Mahmassani
Title: Operational Strategies for Urban Air Mobility and 4D System Fundamental Diagrams
Speaker: Hani Mahmassani
Abstract: We take urban mobility to the next level by considering shared mobility services offered through automated electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles (“flying taxis”), enabled by new generation of eVTOL aircraft. We present various concepts for service operations at urban/regional levels, along with algorithms adapted for the real-time operation of shared air mobility fleets. We also examine the congestability of urban air space through a microscopic simulation and illustrate the emergence of system fundamental diagram (for properly defined averages taken over four-dimensional space) comparable in shape to urban road traffic networks.
Keynote Session 3 — Nikolas Geroliminis
Title: On the Inefficiency and Management of Ride-Sourcing Services towards Urban Congestion
Speaker: Nikolas Geroliminis
Abstract: Human mobility in congested city centers is a complex dynamical system with high density of population, many transport modes to compete for limited available space and many operators that try to efficiently manage different parts of this system. New emerging modes of transportation, such as ride-hailing and on-demand services create additional opportunities, but also more complexity. Little is known about to what degree its operations can interfere in traffic conditions, while replacing other transportation modes, or when a large number of idle vehicles is cruising for passengers. We experimentally analyze the efficiency of TNCs using taxi trip data from a Chinese megacity and an agent-based simulation with a trip-based MFD model for determining the speed. We investigate the effect of expanding fleet sizes for TNCs, passengers’ inclination towards sharing rides, and strategies to alleviate urban congestion. We observe that, although a larger fleet size reduces waiting time, it also intensifies congestion, which, in turn, prolongs the total travel time. Such congestion effect is so significant that it is nearly insensitive to passengers’ willingness to share and flexible supply. Finally, parking management strategies can prevent idle vehicles from cruising without assigned passengers, mitigating the negative impacts of ride-sourcing over congestion, and improving the service quality. We are also developing different type of control strategies, such as relocation of empty vehicles, parking management and pricing incentives to alleviate the negative effects.
T‑4: Regular Session/Behavior — Mingyou Ma
Submission: Quantifying Day-to-Day Evolution of Choice Patterns in Public Transit System with Smart Transit Card Data
Presenter: Mingyou Ma
Authors: Mingyou Ma (UNSW Sydney)*; Wei Liu (University of New South Wales); Xinwei Li (Beihang University); Fangni Zhang (UNSW Sydney); Sisi Jian (); Vinayak Dixit (UNSW)
T‑1: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Yingyan Lou
Submission: Congestion Mitigation for Planned Special Event: Smart Parking, Ride-Sharing Drop-off Locations and Network Configuration
Presenter: Yingyan Lou
Authors: Jun Xiao (Arizona State University); Yingyan Lou (Arizona State University)*
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Tanvir Ahamed
Submission: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Crowdsourced Urban Delivery: System States Characterization, Heuristics-guided Action Choice, and Rule-Interposing Integration
Presenter: Tanvir Ahamed
Authors: Tanvir Ahamed (University of Illinois at Chicago); Bo Zou (University of Illinois at Chicago)*; Nahid Farazi (University of Illinois at Chicago); Theja Tulabandhula (UIC)
T‑3: Regular Session/Data — Zijian Hu
Submission: Self-Calibration of Traffic Surveillance Camera Systems for Traffic Density Estimation on Urban Roads
Presenter: Zijian Hu
Authors: Zijian Hu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Wei Ma (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*; William Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); S. C. Wong (The University of Hong Kong); Andy Chow (City University of Hong Kong)
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Zhanguo Song
Submission: Short-Term Traffic Flow Uncertainty Prediction Using an Improved Grey Prediction Model under Different Time Intervals
Presenter: Zhanguo Song
Authors: ZHanguo Song (Southeast University)*; Xiao Qin (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Rongsheng Chen
Submission: Traffic Assignment Analysis of Traffic Networks with Max-Pressure Control
Presenter: Rongsheng Chen
Authors: Rongsheng Chen (University of Minnesota)*; Michael W. Levin (University of Minnesota)
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Rui Okuhara
Submission: Effect of Traffic Accident on Arterial Road Network
Presenter: Rui Okuhara
Authors: Rui Okuhara (Ehime Univercity)*; Toshio Yoshii (Ehime University); Takahiro Tsubota (Ehime university); Hirotoshi Shirayanagi (Ehime University)
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Md Abu Sayed
Submission: Predict Short-Term Traffic Flow with Prediction Error from Traffic Sensor Data Using Deep Learning
Presenter: Md Abu Sayed
Authors: Md Abu Sayed (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)*; Xiao Qin (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Monika Filipovska
Submission: Computation and Estimation of Path Travel Time Variability with Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data
Presenter: Monika Filipovska
Authors: Monika Filipovska (Northwestern University); Hani S. Mahmassani (Northwestern University)*
T‑5: Lightning Session/Emerging Mobility — Aurore Sallard
Submission: Modeling Ride-Hailing Use in Megacities: Evidence from São Paulo
Presenter: Aurore Sallard
Authors: Aurore Sallard (IVT, ETHZ)*; Milos Balac (IVT, ETHZ); Kay W. Axhausen (IVT, ETH)
T‑5: Lightning Session/Emerging Mobility — Qianwen Li
Submission: Autonomous Vehicle Identification Based on Car-Following Data
Presenter: Qianwen Li
Authors: Qianwen Li (University of South Florida)*; Xiaopeng Li (University of South Florida); Handong Yao (University of South Florid)
T‑5: Lightning Session/Emerging Mobility — Evangelos Mintsis
Submission: Management of Connected and Automated Vehicle Disengagements in the proximity of Work Zones
Presenter: Evangelos Mintsis
Authors: Evangelos Mintsis (Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT))*
T‑5: Lightning Session/Emerging Mobility — Rafaqat Ali
Submission: A Multimodal Traveling Itinerary Problem in a Time Dependent Multimodal Transportation Network for a Fixed Sequence of Nodes with Time Windows
Presenter: Rafaqat Ali
Authors: Rafaqat Ali (Tsinghua University)*
T‑5: Lightning Session/Emerging Mobility — Huimin Yan
Submission: Coordinated Space-Time Trajectory Planning and Cyclic Control in Automated Vehicle Zones
Presenter: Huimin Yan
Authors: Huimin Yan (Tsinghua University)*
T‑6: Lightning Session/Traffic Operations — Lukas Vacek
Submission: Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models on Networks using Numerical Fluxes at Junctions
Presenter: Lukas Vacek
Authors: Lukáš Vacek (Charles University)*; Václav Kučera (Charles University)
T‑4: Regular Session/Behavior — Hebert Azevedo-Sa
Submission: Using Trust in Automation to Enhance Driver-(Semi)AutonomousVehicle Interaction and Improve Team Performance
Presenter: Hebert Azevedo-Sa
Authors: Hebert Azevedo Sa (University of Michigan)*
T‑1: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Amirmahdi Tafreshian
Submission: Proactive Vehicle Dispatching in Large-Scale Ride-Sourcing Systems
Presenter: Amirmahdi Tafreshian
Authors: Amirmahdi Tafreshian (University of Michigan)*; Mojtaba Abdolmaleki (University of Michigan); Neda Masoud (University of Michigan); Huizhu Wang (Ford Motor Company)
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Sudheer Ballare
Submission: A Many-to-Many Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Loads
Presenter: Sudheer Ballare
Authors: Jane Lin (University of Illinois at Chicago)*; Sudheer Ballare (University of Illinois at Chicago)
T‑3: Regular Session/Data — Ang Li
Submission: Within-Day Prediction of Path Travel Times with Use of Multi-Source of Traffic Data
Presenter: Ang Li
Authors: Ang Li (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*; William Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Renxin Zhong (Sun Yat-sen University)
T‑4: Regular Session/Behavior — Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan
Submission: Behavioral Models of Users in Ride-Sharing
Presenter: Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan
Authors: Theja Tulabandula (University of Illinois at Chicago)*; Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan (Queens University)
T‑1: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Kenan Zhang
Submission: A General Spatiotemporal Equilibrium Model of Ride-Hail Market
Presenter: Kenan Zhang
Authors: Yu (Marco) Nie (Northwestern University)*; Kenan Zhang (Northwestern University)
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Mausam Duggal
Submission: Unknown to Known: Predicting Truck GPS Commodity Using Machine Learning
Presenter: Mausam Duggal
Authors: Mausam Duggal (WSP); Bryce W Sharman (WSP)*; Rick Donnelly (WSP); Matthew Roorda (University of Toronto); Sundar Damodaran (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario); Shan Sureshan (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario)
T‑3: Regular Session/Data — Di Yang
Submission: Exploring the Possibility of Outlier Detection Using Functional Data Analysis for Proactive Safety Management
Presenter: Di Yang
Authors: Di Yang (New York University)*; Kaan Ozbay (New York University); Kun Xie (Old Dominion University); Hong Yang (Old Dominion University); Fan Zuo (New York University); Di Sha (New York University)
T‑4: Regular Session/Behavior — Zhengtian Xu
Submission: Understanding Ride-Sourcing Drivers’ Customer-Search Behavior
Presenter: Zhengtian Xu
Authors: Junji Urata (University of Michigan)*; Jintao Ke (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Zhengtian Xu (University of Michigan); Guojun Wu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute); Yafeng Yin (University of Michigan); Hai Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Jieping Ye (Didi Chuxing)
T‑1: Regular Session/Emerging Mobility — Min Xu
Submission: Addressing the Fleet Sizing Problem for Shared-and-Autonomous-Mobility Services
Presenter: Min Xu
Authors: Min Xu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
T‑2: Regular Session/Freight — Guoqing Zhang
Submission: An Integrated Location-Inventory Model for the Healthcare Supply Network under Stochastic Demands
Presenter: Guoqing Zhang
Authors: Guoqing Zhang (University of Windsor)*; Mohammed Almanaseer (University of Windsor); Xiaoting Shang (University of Windsor)
T‑3: Regular Session/Data — Xiangyang Guan
Submission: Correcting Biases in Using Emerging Big Data for Mobility Research: A Likelihood-Based Approach
Presenter: Xiangyang Guan
Authors: Xiangyang Guan (University of Washington)*; Cynthia Chen (University of Washington); Shuai Huang (University of Washington)
Keynote Session 4 — Alexandre Bayen
Title: Lagrangian Control at Large and Local Scales in Mixed Autonomy Traffic Flow
Speaker: Alexandre Bayen
Abstract: This talk investigates Lagrangian (mobile) control of traffic flow at local scale (vehicular level). The question of how self-driving vehicles will change traffic flow patterns is investigated. We describe approaches based on deep reinforcement learning presented in the context of enabling mixed-autonomy mobility. The talk explores the gradual and complex integration of automated vehicles into the existing traffic system. We present the potential impact of a small fraction of automated vehicles on low-level traffic flow dynamics, using novel techniques in model-free deep reinforcement learning, in which the automated vehicles act as mobile (Lagrangian) controllers to traffic flow. Illustrative examples will be presented in the context of a new open-source computational platform called FLOW, which integrates state of the art microsimulation tools with deep-RL libraries on AWS EC2. Interesting behavior of mixed autonomy traffic will be revealed in the context of emergent behavior of traffic: